- Never use very hot water for washing stained garments as this often sets the stains and makes them very difficult or impossible to remove.
- Some stains are more easily removed by washing if they are soaked first in cold water, e.g. mud and blood stains, and the brown stain from shoe inner soles.
- The use of chemicals is required for removing certain stains. Carry out this treatment before washing. Remove all traces of the chemical.
- To apply a stain removing agent to fabric, place a fold of clean rag underneath the stain so that any surplus moisture is absorbed.
- To prevent a ring forming around the stain, work from the outside of the stain, in an uneven circular shape, towards the centre, dabbing it very lightly with a pad of clean rag which has been dipped in the removal agent.
BLOOD | Soak in cold salted water (1 teaspoonful to 1 pint) for at least an hour. Wash in warm soapy water. |
COCOA/COFFEE/FRUIT JUICE | Sponge with a warm solution of borax and water. Rinse well and wash according to fabric. |
COD-LIVER OIL | Use a grease solvent and wash in soapy water. |
EGG: WHITE | Soak in cold water, then treat with lukewarm salt solution (1 teaspoon to 1 pint) |
EGG: YOLK | Wash according to fabric and remove the greasy mark with a grease solvent. |
GRASS | Dab with surgical methylated spirit over an absorbent pad. Wash according to fabric. TEST RAYON BEFORE TREATMENT. |
GREASE | (1) Use a grease solvent, i.e. benzene or carbon tetrachloride. (2) A surface grease may be removed by putting the fabric between blotting paper and pressing with a hot iron. |
INK (BALL-POINT) | Dab with methylated spirit over an absorbent pad. Wash according to fabric. |
INK (WRITING) | Wash at once. On white fabric, steep in milk, on any other colour fabric cover the stain with tomato juice. Wash again. |
IRON RUST | Soak stain in lemon juice. Rinse and wash. |
LIPSTICK | Wash in warm soapy water. Apply grease solvent, if necessary. |
MILK | Wash in warm soapy water, rinse well. Then treat with a grease solvent. |
MUD | Allow to dry. Brush. Soak in cold water. Wash according to fabric. |
NAIL VARNISH | Rub gently with acetone (not suitable for rayon). |
PERSPIRATION | Sponge with a weak vinegar solution. Wash according to fabric. |
PAINT | Rub with turpentine. |
SCORCH | Slight scorch marks may be treated with a solution of borax and water. Rinse and wash according to fabric. |
SHOE POLISH | Sponge with turpentine and wash according to fabric. If any colour remains sponge with methylated spirit and wash again. TEST RAYON BEFORE TREATMENT. |
TAR | Scrape off as much as possible and then treat with a grease solvent. Wash according to fabric. |
TEA | Rinse immediately with cold water and wash according to fabric. For dried stain, damp with cold water and sprinkle with borax. Pour hot water through the stain. Rinse well and wash according to fabric. |
TRANSFER | Steep in surgical methylated spirit. Try a commerical dry-cleaning agent. Wash after treatment if possible. |