Tag: double helix

Impermanent Abstract


A double helix poem found in Nature.  Turn the poem and the earth speaks: Anomalously weak Labrador Sea convection and Atlantic overturning during the past 150 yearsAccelerated increase in plant species richness on mountain summits is linked to warmingEstimating global agricultural effects of geoengineering using volcanic eruptions, and Extensive retreat and re-advance of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Holocene.

Double Helix Found Poem

This object was designed Phineas on Thingiverse who intended for this to be a pen holder. That’s what we use it for!

Jessamyn Wolff made the collage on the outside with graphs, tables, and plots from Nature, and I abstracted the abstracts of Carbon dioxide addition to coral reef waters suppresses net community calcification and Carbonate-sensitive phytotransferrin controls high-affinity iron uptake in diatoms on the inside.

Import Random Export the Devil’s Bliss


import random

the mountain trek
will not be sweatless
steps in the wrong direction
boot enters puddle
body follows suit
the Temple of Artemis
mind is Herostratus
soul is democracy
my left eye is in love
with my right eye
they gaze at each other
I become dizzy
soul is anarchy
those who hide in the cliff
never touch the ground
are prey to the eagle
that drops them to
ruin and age
the darkness is clear
between my eyes

the Coriolis Force
is reversed on the moon
spin the bottle never works
but I’ve had my lick
before the turn

the forest
of winking trees
snapping branches that
tango on the ground
a chirping orgasm
with orange mushrooms
I’m carving my name
into bark
immortalizing myself
with knife

the fence
its pain(t)
is thinning

paint against the plain
that holds it
never lets it go
the canvas wants to be
straddled and humped
into virtual reality

the rigid snake is pride
it eats what is brought
to its mouth
reaching arms
tired feet
but the last skin glove
it wears on its tail
the last skin sock
it wears on its head
to look at the dark
that when it dies
will slither on ~

the skeleton walks
there is no where to go
but into this poem
somber Niko
distant in a foreign field
of mango trees
snaps his fingers
frozen face
my eyes are walls
I will find my center
by biting into every fruit

the jumping sparks
disintegrate the rainbow
10-4 we cannot find
the origin of the rainbow
I cannot see the ships
at sea at night
their fumes are loud
the sirens cry
a boy beats his breast
into a gyro

when the man was a child
his father slammed him
with a door and now
he enters every room
through the window
tercio de varas
get out of the way
I’m coming through
the window breaking
down your web

export the devil’s bliss

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