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November 23, 2010
by onlywire25
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CANCER, New Alternative Therapy

Created in the amazonian forest, by a Brazilian monk, a new natural treatment to cure and to prevent cancer, seems to be an interesting alternative in the fight against cancer. The priest affirms, he has obtained real results in several types to cancer :  cancer of breast,  cancer of uterus,  cancer of stomach,  cancer of skin,  cancer of prostate, etc. The formula is simple, cheap and easy to prepare it in house and even though extensive clinical studies do not exist on this procedure, it seems to be a sensible alternative to try

One of the components of the formula is Aloe Vera (sábila) whose medicinal properties have been investigated for a long time :

“It has been proved that Aloe Vera is effective in cancer in animals. In fact, in 1992, the U.S. Department of Agriculture approved the use of Aloe Vera for the treatment of soft tissue cancer in animals as well as feline leukemia. There is strong scientific proof that, in vitro, Aloe Vera suppresses the growing of cancer tumor, stimulates immune system response, raises tumor necrosis levels, and promotes healthy tissue”.

“Aloe Vera helps to lower the damage done to the body by treatments such as radiation and pain therapy (german: Schmerztherapie), which destroy healthy immune system cells that are very important for the body’s recovery. With the use of Aloe Vera, the immune system is boosted, tumors shrink, metastases are reduced so the cancer does not spread, and new”

“In 1997, University of San Antonio researcher Jeremiah Herlihy, Ph.D., conducted a study to observe any negative effects of drinking aloe daily. Rather than exhibiting negative effects, however, test animals receiving daily aloe showed a remarkable reduction in leukemia, heart disease, and kidney disease. Dr. Herlihy concluded, "We found no indication of harm done to the rats even at high levels." In fact, the aloe-drinking animals actually lived 25 percent longer than those in the control group”

Other components are bee honey  and "cañazo" (rum, or any distilled liqueur).

Medicine may be increasingly high-tech, but the latest wonder treatment which is being offered to patients is — honey.
Last week, it was announced that bandages soaked in manuka honey are to be given to mouth cancer patients at the Christie Hospital in Manchester to reduce their chances of contracting the MRSA superbug and to lessen wound inflammation following surgery. This is just the latest study investigating this particular type of honey’s healing powers.
It is used routinely at the Manchester Royal Infirmary for dressing wounds, and other research has found it can fight gum disease, ease digestive problems and soothe sore throats.

All honey contains hydrogen peroxide, a substance once used as a wound disinfectant in hospitals — it comes from an enzyme that bees add to nectar. It also contains the enzyme glucose oxidase, which boosts its anti-bacterial properties.
This was recognised by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, who used honey to help heal burns and sores.

Aloe, bee honey and rum are mixed and a syrup is obtained that must be consumed daily. It is important to use "fresh pulp of the plant Aloe Vera, including the rind. (to retire the thorns). Nonextracts or commercial products of Aloe Vera. In order to avoid the poisonous effect of the plant Aloe Vera, the treatment must be alternated : 10 days of treatment, 10 days free or of rest. Never long treatments. The treatment can be used single or complementing paintherapy  processes. An ample and detailed description of the treatment can be found at : The Miracle of Sharing

Other Diseases
This treatment also can be useful for autoimmune and digestive diseases. (irritable bowl syndrome, ulcerative colitis, esophagitis, peptic ulcer, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, mouth lesions, sore throat,lupus, etc.)

All information is general in nature and is not intended to be used as a substitute for appropriate professional advice and the reader assumes all risks from the use, non use or minuse of this information.


November 23, 2010
by onlywire25
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Hypnotize Yourself For Anaesthesia: Your 10 Step Guide to Create Your Own Anaesthesia Today

There was a superb television delight on here in the UK entitled ‘Hypno-Surgery’ recently and it showed a man receiving hypno-surgery. That is, he had a hernia operation without any anaesthesia other than by using hypnosis.

Of course, it is a sensation because it is on television, however, these have been done for years. There are lots of filmed studies and masses of research that has been done using hypnosis alone when performing surgery.

Many ways have been used to alleviate pain over the years and I have experienced many myself and found hypnosis accompanied with a range of mind skills and tools to be by far the best way of overcoming and altering my response to it.

Can you remember a time when you had a paper cut and you did not realise that you had it until later on that day when you saw it with your own eyes? It was not until you saw it that it hurt and thought “oooh that smarts a bit.” This is naturally occurring anaesthesia, the capacity which exists within us all.

One of the most basic methods for using your mind to create anaesthesia is called the glove anaesthesia method and today I want to share it with you for you to use as and when you like.

Important point here : You must only use this pain-control technique when you know the cause of any pain. Please also consult a doctor if the condition persists. Otherwise, use this technique for fun and to remind you of how amazing you and your brain really are.

Step One: Find a comfortable place where you will not be disturbed. Close your eyes. Get yourself relaxed.Focus on your breathing, let it be steady, deep and slow. Imagine relaxing all the muscles in your body one by one and really do take the time required to establish a nice relaxed physical state.

Use your imagination to imagine a favourite place, somewhere you feel safe and relaxed. Imagine that you can hear the sounds of that place, see the sights, feel the feelings that you would feel in that place. Use your conscious mind’s awareness and focus on each of the muscles in your body and think the word "soften" into each of your muscles. Imagine them melting, softening and allow your mind to be peaceful.

Take a good few minutes to do this; indulge yourself.

Step Two: Develop a strong sense of purpose right now. Using your internal dialogue, remind yourself and tell yourself that you have the power and ability to be in control of any sensations in your body and mind. Because you really do. Tell yourself that You accept that you are in control of your own mind. Focus on and imagine the unlimited power of your mind, tell yourself that you can send numbing sensations into any part of your body. Develop a sense of belief in yourself and in the power of your own mind. Really encourage and empower yourself.

Imagine that these words of personal power and belief that you say to yourself are being delivered to the deepest depths of your mind. Imagine that they’ve been accepted on every level of your body and mind.

At this stage, also tell yourself that the word "anaesthesia" is your key trigger word for a conditioned response later on.

Step three: Now we begin to invoke the glove anaesthesia. Begin by concentrating upon your dominant hand, really focus on it to the exclusion of all else. Notice the tiniest of sensations within it. Begin to imagine that using your attention, your dominant hand is free of all feeling. This needs some time and concentration. 

Maybe you can use your imagination to imagine that your hand is encased in ice. Truly imagine those feelings.

Separate your hand, in your mind, from the rest of your physical body. Think of it as detached from your physical being. Continue to focus your attention upon your hand and allow it to lose all feeling.

Using your internal dialogue again, tell yourself that your hand is becoming numb. No feeling at all. Inside your mind instruct your hand to go to sleep. Tell it to go to sleep. Be aware of all the unusual sensations that are in your hand as you focus upon it and keep all your focus and concentration upon it.

Tell yourself that every breath you take seems to cause your hand to become number, and number, until you just can’t feel your hand at all. You just can’t feel your hand at all because it is numb. No feeling. Numb. Tell yourself that with authority and belief.

Step Five: Now, you’re going to transfer this lack of feeling to the part of your body that you desire to feel numb and have the anaesthesia in. So when you are sure that you have created the correct level of numbness in your hand you’re going to raise your hand and place it upon the part of your body you want to feel numb.

When you do this, you’ll transfer this numbness to that part of your body. So then go ahead and raise your hand and touch the part of your body you want to become cool and numb. Maybe imagine the numbness as a colour that you are spreading into that area. Maybe imagine that part of your body being filled with that colour and creating that numbness. Imagine all the sensations of numbness are being transferred into that part of your body. Release the numbness into that other part of your body.

Then spend some moments doing that properly and thoroughly now. As you do it, give yourself a time limit that this is going to last for. Naturally, you do not want that part of you to be numb forever. So make sure that you set yourself a time limit when your self-induced anaesthesia will end.

Step Six: Now that you have transferred the calming, soothing, numbing coolness, and you’re physically feeling better and better in that area. Really enjoy the sensations and marvel at your own amazing self. Imagine coolness permeates the area. Imagine you experience wonderful relief in that area. Breathe deeply and relax completely.

Maybe even repeat a little mantra of support to your self at this point: "Calm, cool, soothing, numbing sensations permeates the area. Better and better. Numbness. Relief. Numbness.” Use words that appeal to you the most.

Step Seven: When you have maintained the state and are sure that you feel really good. Say the word "anaesthesia" to yourself, so that each time you use this word in future occasions, when you have the right intention and conditions to do this again, saying the word will bring the resources of this session to make next time even better. Breathe deeply, embrace the sensations in your body and mind and repeat the word to yourself. Trust that each time you choose to use it in the future, it has a wonderful effect of enhancing and amplifying your control over your anaesthesia.

Step Eight: And it’s time to focus the incredible power of your imagination by imagining yourself doing this even better next time.  Imagine that you feel more and more in control of your own mind each time you do this. Experience the joy in this realisation. Create every detail of this future occasion in your mind, including your reaction and the reactions of others. And in so doing you communicate your desire to the levels of mind that will assist you in manifesting this natural anaesthesia better and better each time you do it. Each time you use that word when practising your anaesthesia, tell yourself it works more and more profoundly and powerfully.

Imagine yourself really feeling good about this and what you can do with the power of your own mind.

Spend a few moments quietly doing this.

Step Nine: When you have fully absorbed all you can from this wonderful experience, open your eyes and remember all that has been communicated.

Step Ten: Practice, practice, practice. The more you practice, the better and more thorough it is.

You may want to practice doing this on your arm. Prior to doing it, pinch your arm until it hurts to gauge what your pain tolerance level is in that arm. Then when you have it anaesthetised, test how different the sensations are.

Pretty cool eh?

November 23, 2010
by onlywire25
Comments Off on Curing Migraine and Headaches the Natural Way!

Curing Migraine and Headaches the Natural Way!

Is your headache killing you?

Or is your migraine draining the life out of you?

How would you like to permanently get rid of pain in a totally natural way?

•    No drug or medicine!
•    No doctor’s visits or operations!
•    No herbal medicine!

How about doing it by only changing few simple habits.

Let me explain …

Actually, first let me tell you something about headaches and migraine.

Opposite to what you have probably heard, all headaches are actually a form of migraine. Headaches and migraine are caused by the same things and therefore the same methods will apply getting rid of “regular headaches” as permanently curing your migraine.

So what causes headaches and migraine?

It may sound complicated but is in fact very simple.

All migraine and headache attacks are triggered by something. There are literally thousands of headache and migraine triggers in your life causing you to get sick.

The migraine triggers can be…

•    The food you eat
•    Stress or other tense emotions
•    Pollution around you
•    Or endless other things in your life

The triggers are so many; there is NO WAY to avoid them all.

But here comes the tricky part…

The triggers add up.

And it’s not until they reach sudden level of intensity that you’re hit with a horrible migraine attack.

Think about it like an irritating day. Everything is going against you. Everybody seems to be getting on your nerves, either on purpose or not.

As this irritating day goes on, you get more and more frustrated.

But you don’t say anything. You keep your calm, even if you’re bursting up inside.

Now, in the end of the day all you can think about is getting home and away from everyone.  To RELAX!

You didn’t blow off, you didn’t offend anybody and you can be proud of your self for that. But now, you want to be able to relax.

But as you walk up to your house, you cross your neighbor. And he says something very innocent, which normally would only give you slightest irritation (if that)

… but today, you let him have it. You tell him and his whole family to go to … you know where.

Your triggers finally set you over the limit!

Your migraine triggers work the same way.

One day a stressful situation will give you beaming headache and the next day, it won’t.

Today, you may be able to eat a whole chocolate cake but tomorrow, if other triggers are active, one bite of chocolate may cause you screaming pain.

It all depends on how high your migraine level is.

Just like when one small accident sets you off on a stressful day, a minor migraine trigger may set you off when other bigger are already working in your life.

So what’s going on if you’ve
headache on daily basis?

It’s quite simple …

Then, you’re loaded with BIG migraine triggers every day. And these triggers will literally kill you if you don’t deal with them.

It’s like having someone nagging at you day out and day in; of course you’re always going to be irritated. The same thing happens if you’ve migraine triggers nagging at you day in and day out.

…you’re going to have constant headache!

The only way out is to decrease the migraine triggers in your life to a level, so they won’t set you off into a horrible migraine or headache attack.

And here is the nice part!

Like I said before, there are literally thousands of migraine triggers in your life. Some are big and some are small. But the good news is; you don’t have to get rid of them all!

You only have to get rid of or at least lower the influence of the MAJOR triggers in your life. And you’ll never suffer from migraine again.

Let’s compare this to the irritated day…

The two MAJOR irritation triggers may have been an unfair boss and maybe lets say rude telemarketer calling over and over again.

If it hadn’t been for these two MAJOR triggers, the rainy weather, the dry soda machine and the small words from the neighbor wouldn’t have gotten you frustrated.

In the same way, by getting rid of the MAJOR migraine triggers, other triggers won’t be able to reach enough tension to set you off in to a horrible migraine attack.

November 23, 2010
by onlywire25
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How to introduce healthy food to your family

How to Stay Healthy?
A simple and very effective solution how to introduce healthy food to your family

If 10 years ago somebody would have told me that fruits are very healthy……. Healthy for everyday’s eating as  an excellent source of vitamins…. And even necessary – eating fruits is A MUST as a natural medicine for human body…. I would have replied: "Yes, indeed! I know this very well! I love fruits and eat fruits every day!"
But with age (as early as after 25 y.o.) I began to develop problems of health: BIG problems – that brought with them many troubles, sleepless nights and worrying headaches. As well as small problems that obviously decrease my work productivity, made me less outgoing and rip me off for many hours of enjoying the good state of physical health when everything was OK.
In general, all these health problems took lots of my time and money… Until I realised the simply secret that………  Even during all my adult life, I never developed a well-deserved appreciation as well as correct attitude towards fruits and vegetables. I am not afraid to  name the reason bluntly – usually it is a lack of knowledge and lack of understanding.

Only then I understood that in reality I used to take fruits ‘for granted’. That time the benefit of my ‘eating fruits’ was diminished to the very minimum as I eat only 1-2 fruits per day, usually after lunch or at breakfast time. If I happened to become hungry in between meals or on my way to work, home etc, I would rather prefer to have a light snack of a sandwich or a roll, but definitely not fruit. While it is the FRUITS that MUST be eaten on empty stomach – to derive more benefit as fruits are recommended to eaten separately without other food.
If…. If earlier I would have been told that I don’t use fruits for sustaining my good health, I would’ve replied angrily "No, what do you mean! Indeed I use fruits! But my life- style is very busy, lots of hard work, endless stresses and, on top of all, poor ecology. These all affect my health very negatively. And can fruits do anything about that????!"
But now, looking to past, I must and I will admit: "Fruits and vegetables CAN dramatically change one’s health. Especially if one knows HOW, WHEN AND WHAT TO USE for a particular health problem…..

In conclusion, the major reason of “Not going GREEN” and therefore, not benefitting enough from the Nature’s generous treasures is still hidden in the LACK of correct presentation of this valuable information!

Then even if parents don’t value these blessings of mother-nature, then how can one blame children for refusing to eat these Nature’s treasures while even those who want to lead a healthy life style, don’t have a full picture of WHAT vegetables and fruits can do to one’s body and mind!

Even if we have a basic picture such as: “carrot is good for eye-sight, oranges – to boost immune system, watermelon provides excellent cleansing effect”, still, in order to convince not only somebody but even yourself, we have to get more useful information. And, usually, this “info” comes in a form of boring statistic facts or dull, grey nutrition tables.

Stop! Please, stop for a moment! Don’t you understand that even you and I, like any other adult of any age, won’t pay sufficient (enough) attention to any information if it presented in a such ‘mind-numbing’ (dreary, uninteresting) form. This is not the method to encourage, rather on the contrary, it is a highly effective and quicker way to make somebody bored!
Nevertheless, then what to say about young children and their tiny inquisitive minds, whose learning skills performance is best when powered by bright, colourful associations and sharp fantasy-world imagination.
No doubt, anyone will agree with me, no matter what age we are, we all would prefer to read text that are combined with attractive, eye-catching images! That’s why the skill of colour-science is an independent science. And so many interesting books, research papers, scientific proof and related articles are dedicated to colours’ physiological effect on people’s mind.
Also, the second emphasis is on how the reading material is presented. Do not generalize, but personalize.
It is no longer a secret that the best, TOP read articles (with highest popularity and read coefficient) in magazines, newspapers etc. are stories with a main character i.e. a narration, with main hero, with sequential unwinding of a story: with a beginning, intervening occurrences and culmination, even if this is just a short narration about an event or product. If any readable material is interlinked with an individual and his/her personal experiences, it is always easier to read, easier to accept and easier to remember. That’s why we always read testimonials, as they come from somebody and are put in simple words that’s easy to digest.

As for myself, until the age of 30 I never showed much interest towards vegetables and, I am ashamed to say, even some fruits. And it is not that I wasn’t aware of healthy eating, of ‘greens’ benefits – indeed I heard and read now and then about it, but it didn’t create that bright image in my memory that would lead me on and be my ‘guiding star’ in my and my family’s eating plan (schedule).

Luckily enough, on my 30-th birthday I received not only best wishes and E-cards, but among numerous emails there was an unusual email from one of my friends. It contained a large juicy image of a pineapple, and a link with the unusual words
Healthy Birthday! A gift for your that hidden in… pineapples!??
The link leads to an article, actually more correctly, to an entertaining story about pineapples.

In a light form this story tells about a mother and her little son. And, at the same time, it is a very informative conception about benefits of pineapples (and fruits in general) that convey information to the HEART of the reader. This method not just narrates, it ensures that the one who reads (or listens to) will ABSORB, HEAR and REMEMBER the important information about this story!
Simple words make their way to the reader’s mind and heart, creating in his/her conscious ‘live’ images of a little sickly boy, his concerned mother and a deliciously juicy pineapple. The story also has a moral (and even business-minded) value as it concludes on a brief note that this little boy decided to help other people to stay healthy, and when he grew up, he became a medical scientist and businessman – he started a unique fruit-vegetables shop in his small town.

…To continue my own path to Healthy Food…
Being inspired by this first touch of this new approach and introduction to fruits and vegetables to the Mind and Heart, I was very excited to read the next story from the same book. Then the following, then all other stories which were available to be read online on the website (stories from the new book that is available in bookstore at amazon: The Storyteller’s guide to health food).
 I can remember, the second story was about beetroot (again a very unique fairytale-like story about 3 sisters – beetroot of different types, but with lots of information, tips and even recipes). The third story was on watermelon. That particular story I happened to read in summer and this time I read it aloud to my friends because I wanted to check what their reactions would be. The effect can talk for itself – my friends’ appreciation towards watermelon and, of course, later towards all fruits and vegetables increased immensely. Moreover, they enthusiastically copied the story and shared it with their family, loved ones and even with neighbors.
No need to say that acquaintance with this brilliant ideas and innovative method exposed in these wonderful books of the project KindBook became a turning point not only in my life, but in life of my family and friends. Moreover, gradually and steadily it opened a new door in the lives of all those who are concerned about health and the value of healthy food.

If you are about to make your first step in HEALING yourself and HEALING our planet: leave those ‘boring’ %-tables for later! Firstly try to kindle in people a flame of interest in Nature’s gifts to humanity! Heal yourself, then Heal others. With this unique approach make them enthusiastic to increase their energy, productivity and health! And to teach our future generation how to be the best citizens of our Planet Earth: kind, healthy, successful!
And, last but not least! Remember the GOLDEN RULE: the more goodness you bring into the lives of others, the more goodness will come back to you!

Let me wish all of you what I wish for myself and my family – BEST HEALTH!

November 23, 2010
by onlywire25
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Researchers ar beginning to unfold the secrets to speculation –an ancient practice that yields modern-day benefits. In the highlands of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, citizenry looking at liveliness differently. Upon entering the local Buddhist monastery, there is a spectacular sculpture the size of a large oak. The intricate carving of clouds and patterns painted in powerful colors. But as soon as winter gives means, this magnificent employment volition melt to nonentity.

The sculpture, in fact, is made of butter, and it is 1 of the highland multitude’s symbols of the transient nature of spirit. And sprightliness here is not easy. Villagers bicycle to oeuvre before dawn and return home hanker after sunset. Many live with nil More than dirt floors and rickety outhouses.

Upon entering these modest mud-brick homes, you’ll find no tables or chairs–just a yearn platform bed, which sleeps a family of eight. However, once the masses invite you in for tea, their smiles wide and welcoming. How do they possess such inner calm in conditions we would call less than ideal. Once villagers cook, sew or plow the fields they do so in a tranquil state. As an approach to living, weaving seamlessly into almost every action throughout the day seems unfamiliar to Western cultures.

Is there something we tin glean from this agency of biography that testament improve our have. The romantic notion of quitting everything and joining Tibetan monks on a mountaintop is not the only path to meditate. You don’t need to quit your job, give up your possessions and spend 30 days chanting. Recent research indicates that meditating brings about dramatic effects in as little as a 10-minute session. Several studies have demonstrated that subjects who meditated for a short time showed increased alpha waves (the relaxed brain waves) and decreased anxiety and depression.

Epstein and several other experts feel that ‘s effectiveness has to do with putting aside attachment to I’s self. As he says, " you looking at directly at a star at night, it’s difficult to see. But you expression away slightly, it comes into focus. I find it to be the same manner with the egotism and meditating.

ace zeroes in on a sense of self through a practice of , the self-important self-importance paradoxically becomes elusive. You become Thomas More aware that you interconnected with other beings, and you tin can better put your possess worries into their proper perspective." A group of elderly Chinese maintain their connection by meeting every daybreak in the village common in Monterey Park, California. They swoop their arms and stretch their torsos in graceful harmony, and then stand absolutely still, simply meditating. Only puffs of warm air flow from their nostrils.


November 23, 2010
by onlywire25
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Jasmine Essential Oil For Aromatherapy

A sturdy evergreen shrub of bright green leaves with white star shaped flowers, Jasmine with sweet and floral aroma, native of Asia and Africa is one of the oldest and widely used scented flower.

Jasmine flower blooms only at night hence they hand picked at night time only. Being the most delicate and extremely fragile, jasmine essential oil is steam distilled from its flowers. Huge quantities of jasmine petals are required to prepare one ounce of essential oil, hence is rare, extremely valuable and highly sought after oil.

Jasmine is preferred for its powerful characteristics that assist the body as an anti depressant, an aphrodisiac and confidence boosting qualities. The Chinese drink jasmine tea daily and use it to cleanse the air in sick rooms while Egyptians use it to relieve nervous disorders, insomnia and headaches.

Jasmine known to have aphrodisiac powers was used in different cultures in various ceremonies. The sensuously rich and exotic aroma of jasmine based massage oil can certainly be relied upon to evoke a romantic mood.

Jasmine oil despite being expensive is worthy for the skin. It encourages cell growth; increases skin elasticity and aids in healing minor to moderate burns. It is especially effective for people suffering from symptoms of apathy and fatigue as it helps in reducing fears. It also helps with muscle spasm and sprains.

Jasmine with its many healing properties acts as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent and a sedative. It is considered as base oil for blending with other essential oil. When blended with herbs like Clary sage, geranium, lemon balm, rose, rosewood and sandalwood, it promotes the body’s natural way of healing, making it indispensable in the world of aromatherapy.

Jasmine essential oil when massaged on the abdomen during the later stages of labour strengthens uterine contractions and relieves pain.

For stimulating bath oil, try this oil – 1/2 cup soy oil, 5 drops of jasmine essential oil, 3 drops of juniper essential oil and content from 4 – 5 vitamin E capsules.

Indulge your self with a massage, blend the following ingredients well – 8 tsp grape seed oil, 6 drops of jasmine essential oil, 2 drops each of tea tree oil and neroli oil. Before application warm the oil.

To create soothing and refreshing hair oil for scalp, blend 2 drops rosemary, 2 drops lavender, 2 drops clary sage, and 2 drops jasmine absolute to 1/2 ounce base oil.


April 20, 2010
by admin
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The Google Adsense Report and Why the Program is Original

Understanding the Google Adsense Report

When you log into your Google Adsense account, you are automatically taken to the page where you can view all your Adsense activity.  On the Reports tab, you’ll see “Today’s Earnings.”  This is the approximate amount you have earned today in your Google Adsense account.  Earnings are not final at this point and could be adjusted for invalid clicks or fees.

It’s interesting to look at the breakdown.  As you can see, Adsense for Content, which refers to the targeted ads appearing on the pages in which you have written content, is listed first.  Here you will see the number of page impressions listed in the first column.  While a page impression is generally the same as a page view, that is not always the case.  For a more detailed definition of a page impression, see Google Adsense support, click on Your Adsense Account and then click on Your Adsense Report.

Next, you’ll notice the number of clicks.  This refers to the number of times “your ads” were clicked on.

Page click through rate or CTR is in the next column shown as a percentage. It represents the percentage of the time an ad was clicked on after viewing your page.

Page eCPM which stands for effective cost per thousand impressions.  It is calculated by dividing total earnings by the number of page impressions in thousands.

Don’t be intimidated by these statistics.  The bottom line, your earnings, is what really counts.  As you become more familiar with Google Adsense, statistics will become like second nature.  First, just start.

How is Google Adsense Different From Other Ad Networks?

Primarily because it is Google and that carries a lot of clout just with name recognition alone.  But here are some advantages to being a part of the Google Adsense network:

Getting started is fast and easy and requires no technical knowledge.  Google Adsense even provides html code for easy implementation with clear instructions.

Google Adsense has both the Adsense for Content feature and the Adsense for Search feature.

Google Adsense not only provides keyword targeted ads but site targeted ads as well, maximizing your potential for revenue.

Google Adsense provides a filter so that you can choose not to run your competitor’s ads on your pages as well as filter other unwanted ads.

Google Adsense provides an extensive support site that is easily understood.


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February 14, 2010
by admin
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Understanding Image Ads and Making Google Adsense Dollars with

What are image ads?

Image ads are graphical ads.  Unlike traditional banner ads, image ads are also targeted to the appropriate audience, just like text ads.  A publisher that has a combination of image ads and text ads has a greater revenue generating potential.  

Image ads are only for Adsense for Content pages and not available for Adsense for Search results pages.

There are 5 major formats of image ads.  The Leaderboard, which is about twice the size of a banner ad, the banner image ad, the skyscraper, the wide skyscraper and the medium rectangle. Google’s technology determines on a page by page basis whether image ads, text ads, or a combination of both will make you more money and then delivers the appropriate format.

You can choose to run only image ads, but Google recommends selecting both, thereby giving them a better chance to target the right advertising for your page, generating more revenue for you.

Bottom line: taking these two methods together will give you the best chance at making the most revenue.

How to Make Google Adsense Dollars at

To get started blogging at, first you’ll need to create a Google Adsense account.  If you’ve already done that, you’ll just give them the same publisher id you got when you  originally signed up with Google Adsense.  Since you can only have one Google Adsense account, you will always use the same publisher id on every site you add.  Next, you’ll create an account at and within minutes, start blogging!

You still have to follow the Google Adsense rules as to the type of content not acceptable but other than that you have carte blanche as to what to write about in your blog.  Paste your URL into your email signature and every time you send someone an email, you will be referring them to your blog, thus increasing your traffic on  

Comment on other publisher’s blogs.  If you interact with the blogging community, you are more likely to have your blog read more often.  Again, traffic. has a list of successful topics you can write about.  You don’t have to choose from that list of course, but it’s quite extensive and if you look it over, you’ll probably find something that interests you.  They are successful topics because they turn up in search engines a lot.  More traffic.

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February 5, 2010
by admin
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Google Adsense: Why Do I Need Google Adsense?

Because it’s there, it’s fun and it’s free.  If you’re reading this, you obviously have some interest in the internet.  You don’t even have to have your own site, although the more sites you use Google Adsense on, the more money you will make.  For example,  anyone can write a blog even if it’s just your own opinion on something.  

You can also make money referring other people to Google Adsense.  By placing a referral button on your site you increase your earnings potential.  When a publisher that you referred makes their initial $100.00  within 90 days of sign-up and is eligible for payout, your account will also be credited $100.00. Additionally, they must never have registered for a Google Adsense account before.

Don’t be intimidated by the html code.  It’s already formatted.  All you have to do is choose the language and kind of button you would like, and copy and paste the html code to your site.  Look for the referral code and more information under Adsense support.



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January 11, 2010
by admin
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Where to Place Ads on Your Web Pages and a Profile of

Deciding Where to Place Your Google Ads on Your Web Pages so That They Will Be Most Profitable

This is one of the best parts of the whole Google Adsense experience. No one else gets to make this decision except you.  It’s your page.  You get to decide how many ( up to 3 ads per page), what colors and shapes you will use and on what part of the page the ad will be placed.  Should you place your ads at the top or bottom?  In the middle of the text?  To the left or right?

The most important decision should be based on the needs of the visitors to your site?  What are they looking for? Are they there to read or merely to browse.  If they are there to read an entire article, say, you might try placing your ads at the bottom of the page so they will have something to do next.  Some publishers swear by placing the ads at the top left of the page because they think customers look there first.

The fun thing is experimenting with all the possibilities.  Try different ad locations and different colors for a week and note the differences in your reports.  When you hit on something successful, you’ll see the difference.

Profile of For Those Who May Want To Use it For Google Ads

Blogger Party is another blog hosting website where you can make money with Google Adsense.  You create an account and use the publisher id you got when you created your Google Adsense account.  If you have not done that yet, that is the first step to making money with your blogs.

At,  targeted Google Adsense ads will be displayed on your blog pages.  Fifty percent of that time, the ads will have your Google Adsense publishers ID and the other fifty percent of the time they will have Blogger Party’s Adsense ID or split between them and the person who referred you.  That’s right, referrals get 25% of the ad time, which comes out of Blogger Party’s share and not the original blogger’s or the referral’s.

Blogger Party promises “party points” any time you write something or comment on someone else’s blog.  They don’t do anything as yet, but later you will be able to trade them in for prizes according to Blogger Party’s admin.

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