Early this year, Anne Douglass and I , along with our partners at Abt Associates were awarded a multi-year contract to evaluate the Preschool Expansion Grant activities in Massachusetts. Please see the UMB press release about this project!
In a recent interview in the New York Times, Cornel West discussed what carries him forward in his work: “I just do it because it’s right. I do it because integrity, honesty and decency are in and of themselves enough reward that I’d rather go under, trying to do what’s right, even if it has no chance at all.”
May I be carried forward in my own work, into and through what feels difficult or uncomfortable, by the same conviction. May I be the kind of researcher who asks important questions, does meaningful work responsibly, and represents the voices of the people with whom I work clearly and honestly.
Monica Yudron is an Assistant Professor of Early Education and Care at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Dr. Yudron is a former teacher with over 15 years of experience in education-related fields including curriculum design, policy and research.
Assistant Professor of Early Education and Care at The University of Massachusetts Boston