
Vlocskó RB, Mastyugin M, Török B, Török M. Correlation of Physicochemical Properties with Antioxidant Activity in Phenol and Thiophenol Analogues. Scientific Reports, 15:73, 2025.

Vlocskó RB, Török M. Harnessing the Multitarget Approach for Green and Sustainable Drug Discovery. In Encyclopedia of Green Chemistry, Elsevier, 2024.

Costa M, Adhamidhi M, Mastyugin M, Fusco A, Lazarev A, Zsengeller ZK, Lazarev A, Torok M, Torok B. Solvent- and Catalyst-Free Environmentally Benign High Hydrostatic Pressure-Assisted Synthesis of Bioactive Hydrazones and the Evaluation of Their Stability Under Various Storage Conditions. Molecules29: 5287, 2024.

Pintye D, Sziva RE, Biwer LA, Karreci ES, Jacas S, Mastyugin M, Török M, Young BC, Jagtap P, Southan GJ, Jaffe IZ, Zsengellér ZK. A Novel Dual-Function Nitric Oxide Donor Therapy for Preeclampsia—A Proof-of-Principle Study in a Murine Model. Antioxidants, 12: 2036, 2023.

Pintye D, Sziva RE, Mastyugin M, Young BC, Jacas S, Török M, Salahuddin S, Jagtap P, Southan GJ, Zsengellér ZK. A Novel Dual-Function Redox Modulator Relieves Oxidative Stress and Anti-Angiogenic Response in Placental Villus Explant Exposed to Hypoxia—Relevance for Preeclampsia Therapy. Biology, 12: 1229. 2023.

Pintye D, Sziva RE, Mastyugin M, Torok M, Jakas S, Lo A, Salahuddin S, Zsengeller ZK. Nitroxide—HMP—Protects Human Trophoblast HTR-8/SVneo Cells from H2O2-Induced Oxidative Stress by Reducing the HIF1A Signaling Pathway. Antioxidants, 12: 1578, 2023.

Charlton NC, Mastyugin M, Torok B, Torok M. Structural Features of Small Molecule Antioxidants and Strategic Modifications to Improve Potential Bioactivity. Molecules, 28: 1057, 2023.

Torok M. Amyloids in Synthetic Applications. Scientific Reports, 12: 21095, 2022.

Torok M. (Ed.) Contemporary Chemical Approaches for Green and Sustainable Drugs, Elsevier, 2022.

Vlocsko, RB, Apaydin, S, Torok, B, Torok, M. The Multi-Target Approach as a Green Tool in Medicinal Chemistry. In Contemporary Chemical Approaches for Green and Sustainable Drugs; Ed. Torok M; 1st edition. Elsevier, 2022.

Brown A, Torok M. Functional Amyloids in the Human Body. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 40: 127914, 2021.

Baier A, Kokel A, Horton W, Gizinska E, Pandey G, Szyszka R, Torok B, Torok M. Organofluorine Hydrazone Derivatives as Multifunctional Anti-Alzheimer’s Agents with CK2 Inhibitory and Antioxidant Features. ChemMedChem, 16: 1927-1932, 2021.

Apaydin S, Torok M. Sulfonamide Derivatives as Multi-target Agents for Complex Diseases. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 29: 2042-2050, 2019.

Apaydin S, Tran CD, Kokel A, Torok B, Torok M. Characterization and Inhibition of Insulin Amyloid Formation at Physiological pH. Protein Science, 28 S1 ABS057: 37-37, 2019 (Meeting Abstract).

Horton W, Peerannawar S, Torok B, Torok M. Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Antioxidant Features of Substituted Phenol and Aniline Model Compounds. Structural Chemistry, 30: 23-352019.

Kokel A, Torok M. Recent Advances in the Development of Antimicrobial Peptides (AMPs): Attempts for Sustainable Medicine? Current Medicinal Chemistry, 25: 2503-2519, 2018.

Banu R, Gerding J, Franklin C, Sikazwe D, Horton W, Torok M, Davis J, Cheng KH, Nakazwe M, Mochona B. 4,5-Dimethoxy-2-nitrobenzohydrazides and 1-(1-Benzylpiperidin-4-yl)ethan-1-ones as Potential Antioxidant/Cholinergic Endowed Small Molecule Leads. Scientia Pharmacentica, 86: 2-9, 2018.

Gokalp S, Horton W, Jonsdottir-Lewis EB, Foster M, Torok M. Laboratory Exercise for Studying the Morphology of Heat-denatured and Amyloid Aggregates of Lysozyme by Atomic Force Microscopy. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 46: 162-171, 2018.

Horton W, Torok M. Natural and Nature-Inspired Synthetic Small Molecule Antioxidants in the Context of Green Chemistry. In Green Chemistry: An Inclusive Approach; 1st edition; Eds. Torok B and Dransfield T.; Elsevier, 2017.

Soule J, Horton W, Peerannawar S, Kugyela N, Kulkarni A, Torok B, Torok M. Inhibition of Cholinesterases by β-Carboline Derivatives, FASEB Journal, 31: 921.3, 2017 (Meeting Abstract).

Kadish D, Kokel A, Torok B, Torok M. A Novel, Green Synthesis of Deuterium Labeled Compounds, FASEB Journal, 31: 607.7, 2017 (Meeting Abstract).

Horton W, Sood A, Peerannawar S, Kugyela N, Kulkarni A, Tulsan R, Tran CD, Soule J, LeVine H III, Torok B, Torok M. Synthesis and Application of β-Carbolines as Novel Multi-functional Anti-Alzheimer’s Disease Agents. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 27: 232-236, 2017.

Peerannawar S, Horton W, Kokel A, Torok F, Torok B, Torok M. Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Antioxidant Features of Diarylhydrazones. Structural Chemistry, 28: 391-402, 2017.

Bag S, Tulsan R, Sood A, Cho H, Redjeb H, Zhou W, LeVine H III, Torok B, Torok M. Sulfonamides as Multi-functional Agents for Alzheimer’s Disease. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 25: 626-630, 2015.

Horton W, D’Amico K, Schaefer C, Haghshenas Bu, Torok M, Beck G, Torok B. The Synthesis and Application of Diarylhydrazones, Diaryl Schiff-bases, Beta-carbolines and Their Precursors as Potential Antibiotics. FASEB Journal, 29 (1_supplement): LB112, 2015 (Meeting Abstract).

Schaefer C, Mhadgut SC, Kugyela N, Torok M, Torok B, Proline-induced Enantioselective Heterogeneous Catalytic Hydrogenation of Isophorone on Basic Polymer-supported Pd Catalysts. Catalysis Science & Technology, 5:716-723, 2015.

Ghosh S, Schifone C, Foster M, Torok B, LeVine III H, Torok M. Hydrazines as Potential Anti-amyloidogenic Agents. FASEB Journal, 27: 996.6, 2013 (Meeting Abstract).

Bag S, Ghosh S, Tulsan R, Sood A, Zhou W, Schifone C, Foster M, LeVine H III, Torok B, Torok M. Design, Synthesis and Biological Activity of Multifunctional a,b-Unsaturated Carbonyl Scaffolds for Alzheimer’s Disease. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 23: 2614-2618, 2013.

Torok B, Sood A, Bag S, Tulsan R, Ghosh S, Borkin D, Kennedy AR, Melanson M, Madden R, Zhou W, LeVine H III, Torok M. Diaryl Hydrazones as Multifunctional Inhibitors of Amyloid Self-Assembly. Biochemistry, 52: 1137-1148, 2013.

Torok B, Bag S, Sarkar M, Dasgupta S, Torok M. Structural Features of Small Molecule Amyloid-Beta Self-Assembly Inhibitors. Current Bioactive Compounds, 9: 37-63, 2013.

Melanson M, Sood A, Torok F, Torok M. Introduction to Spin Label Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Proteins. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 41: 156-162, 2013.

Bag S, Tulsan R, Sood A, Datta S, Torok M. Pharmacophore Modeling, Virtual and In Vitro Screening for Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors and their Effects on Amyloid-β Self-assembly. Current Computer-Aided Drug Design, 9: 2-14, 2013.

Torok B, Sood A, Bag S, Kulkarni A, Borkin D, Lawler E, Dasgupta S, Landge S, Abid M, Zhou W, Foster M, LeVine III H, Torok M. Structure-Activity Relationships of Organofluorine Inhibitors of β-Amyloid Self-Assembly. ChemMedChem, 7: 910-919, 2012.

Torok B, Kulkarni A, DeSousa R, Satuluri K, Torok M, Prakash GKS. Synthesis and Application of Polystyrene Nanospheres Supported Platinum Catalysts in Enantioselective Hydrogenations. Catalysis Letters, 141:1435-1441, 2011.

Sood A, Abid M, Sauer C, Hailemichael S, Foster M, Torok B, Torok M. Disassembly of Preformed Amyloid-Beta Fibrils by Small Organofluorine Molecules. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 21: 2044-2047, 2011.

Borkin D, Morzhina E, Datta S, Rudnitskaya A, Sood A, Torok M, Torok B. Heteropoly Acid-Catalyzed Microwave-Assisted Three-Component Aza-Diels-Alder Cyclizations: Diastereoselective Synthesis of Potential Drug Candidates for Alzheimer’s Disease. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 9: 1394-1401, 2011.

Datta S, Sood A, Torok M. Steps Toward Green Peptide Synthesis. Current Organic Synthesis, 8: 262-2802011.

Rudnitskaya A, Torok B, Torok M. Molecular Docking of Enzyme Inhibitors, a Computational Tool for Structure-Based Drug Design. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 38: 261-265, 2010.

Sood A, Abid M, Hailemichael S, Foster M, Torok B, Torok M. Effect of Chirality of Small Molecule Organofluorine Inhibitors of Amyloid Self-assembly on Inhibitor Potency. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 19: 6931-6934, 2009.

Moreau RJ, Schubert CR, Nasr KA, Torok M, Miller JS, Kennedy RJ, Kemp DS. Context-Independent, Temperature-Dependent Helical Propensities for Amino Acid Residues. Journal of the American Chemical Society 131: 13107-13116, 2009.

Nasr KA, Schubert CR, Torok M, Kennedy RJ, Kemp DS. Helix-Coil Energetics for Helix Formers and Breakers Reflect Context and Temperature. Mutants of Helically Robust, Guest-sensitive Homopeptide Hosts. Biopolymers 91: 311-320, 2009.

Torok B., Dasgupta S., Torok M. Chemistry of Small Molecule Inhibitors in Self-Assembly of Alzheimer’s Disease Related Amyloid-Beta Peptide. Current Bioactive Compounds 4: 159-174, 2008.

Mhadgut SC, Torok M, Dasgupta S, Torok B. Nature of Proline-Induced Enantiodifferentiation in Asymmetric Pd Catalyzed Hydrogenations: Is the Catalyst Really Indifferent? Catalysis Letters 123: 156-163, 2008.

Torok M, Abid M, Mhadgut SC, Torok B. Organofluorine Inhibitors of Amyloid Fibrillogenesis. Biochemistry 45: 5377-5383, 2006.

Mhadgut SC, Torok M, Esquibel J, Torok B. Highly Asymmetric Heterogeneous Catalytic Hydrogenation of Isophorone on Proline Modified Base-Supported Palladium Catalysts. Journal of Catalysis 238: 441-448, 2006.

Torok B, Abid M, London G, Esquibel J, Torok M, Mhadgut SC, Yan P, Prakash GKS. Highly Enantioselective Organocatalytic Hydroxyalkylation of Indoles with Ethyl trifluoropyruvate. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 44: 3086-3089, 2005.

Mhadgut SC, Bucsi I, Torok M, Torok B. Sonochemical Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Isophorone on Proline Modified Pd/Al2O3 Catalysts. Chemical Communications 984-985, 2004.

Jayasinghe S, Torok M, Langen R. Interaction of Islet Amyloid Polypeptide with Phospholipid Vesicles. Biophysical Journal 84 (2): 58A-58A Part 2 Suppl. S, Feb 2003. (Conference Abstract)

Torok M, Milton S, Kayed R, Wu P, McIntire T, Glabe CG, Langen R. Structural and Dynamic Features of Alzheimer’s Aβ Peptide in Amyloid Fibrils Studied by Site-Directed Spin Labeling. Journal of Biological Chemistry 277: 40810-40815, 2002.

Torok B, Balazsik K, Torok M, Felfoldi K, Bartok M. Heterogeneous Asymmetric Reactions 20. Effect of Ultrasonic Variables on the Enantiodifferentiation in Cinchona-Modified Platinum-Catalyzed Sonochemical Hydrogenations. Catalysis Letters 81: 55-62, 2002.

Torok M, Ritzel R, Butler PC, Langen R. Structure and Dynamics of Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (Amylin) Studied by Site-directed Spin Labeling. Diabetes 50(Suppl.): A361-A361, 2001(Conference Abstract)

Torok B, Torok M, Rozsa-Tarjani M, Palinko I, Horvath LI, Kiricsi I, Molnar A. Interactions Between Solvent Molecules and the Reduced Forms of Silico-Molybdic Acid Studied by ESR and NMR Spectroscopies and Molecular Modeling. Inorganica Chimica Acta 298: 77-83, 2000.

Torok B, Balazsik K, Torok M, Szollosi G, Bartok M. Asymmetric Sonochemical Reactions. Enantioselective Hydrogenation of alpha-Ketoesters over Platinum Catalysts. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 7: 151-5, 2000.

Torok M, Hideg K, Dux L, Horvath LI. Accessibility of Protein Sulfhydril Groups to Nitroxyl Spin Labels. Journal of Molecular Structure 408/409: 177-180, 1997.

Horvath LI, Torok M, Hideg K, Dux L. Dynamic Aspects of the Incorporation of Proteins into Biological Membranes. Journal of Molecular Recognition 10: 188-93, 1997.

Ferdinandy P, Csont T, Csonka C, Torok M, Dux M, Nemeth J, Horvath LI, Dux L, Szilvassy Z, Jancso G. Capsaicin-Sensitive Local Sensory Innervation is Involved in Pacing-Induced Preconditioning in Rat Hearts: Role of Nitric Oxide and CGRP? Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology 356: 356-63, 1997.

Torok M, Jakab G, Berczi A, Dux L, Horvath LI. Rotational Mobility of Ca2+-ATPase of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum in Viscous Media. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) Biomembranes 1326: 193-200, 1997.

Torok M, Jakab G, Berczi A, Dux L, Horvath LI. Hydrodynamic Mobility of Ca2+-ATPase of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum in Viscous Solvents. Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology 65(suppl. 1): p. 46, P-A3-26, 1996. (Conference Abstract)

Olah GA, Prakash GKS, Torok B, Torok M. Effect of Acid/Hydrocarbon Ratio, Temperature and Contact Time on the Isobutane-Isobutylene Alkylation Catalyzed by Trifluoromethanesulfonic Acid. Catalysis Letters 40: 137-142, 1996.

Olah GA, Torok B, Shamma T, Torok M, Prakash GKS. Solid Acid (Superacid) Catalyzed Adamantylation of Substituted Benzenes. Catalysis Letters 42: 5-13, 1996.

Torok B, Torok M, Bartok M. Temperature and Hydrogen Pressure Dependence in the Ring Opening of Methylcyclobutane over Pt/SiO2 Catalyst. Catalysis Letters 33: 321-330, 1995.

Fakla I, Ferdinandy P, Fischer J, G Jakab, Keresztes M, Kiss Z, Ocsovszki I, Rohan J, Torok M, Zador E. Biochemistry Practical Notes, Eds. Dux L and Kiss Z, Department of Biochemistry, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Medical University, Hungary, 1995.