Dear Friends & Oyster Lovers!
While Americans are poised to spend $60 billion on Black Friday and another $450 billion on Christmas, our coastal harbors are acidifying, our salt marshes degrading, and our marine life is suffocating.
Do we really need more stuff from the mall? Probably not!
This season, how about ‘Oysters on the Half Shell’, A Floating Island, An acre of Wild Oysters?
Welcome to “Born to Be Wild: Oysters Today for a Better Tomorrow!”
In just one year, we have restored 2 acres of Wellfleet Harbor’s muck into a thriving oyster reef habitat with 4 million oysters filtering 200 million gallons of ocean water per day!
With your help this holiday season, we can continue to restore our coastline, cove by cove.
Your money has power. Spend it making a world of difference–give the gift of a green future.
Visit and make your tax deductible pledge today!
Our campaign ends December 31, 2013.

Thank you for your support!
Anamarija Frankic, Green Harbors Project, Biomimicry LivingLabs and Foundation for Green Future
Darcy Creech, Peter Beaton, Nantucket