Did you not get your fill of me finding dead things within other dead things from my last post? Well, you, my dear friends, are in luck! Whilst out on a lovely stroll through Folger’s Marsh in order to assess how my precious bivalves were weathering the storm (coincidentally all I saw was dead shells), I came across a newly deceased S. Reticulatum, colloquially referred to as the purple marsh crab. This was of particular interest to me on this adventure of morbidity because we had just read about these adorable little creatures who, as it turns out, are a large cause of loss of S. Alterniflora in higher marsh zones. I must admit that I was quite pleased with my finding. These crabs are nocturnal, which is why despite our best attempts these past few days to poke them out of every marsh hole my team happened to literally and figuratively stumble across, we found nothing. I only happened upon a solitary crab, so I do not fear any cause for alarm in their population. It just makes me think maybe I should change my name to Thanatos. As a final point, I feel it necessary to add that for such a small decapod it carried a large stink.

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