Sunday, the Week in the Rearview

Here we sit, late Sunday night, yet again at the tail end of a storm. Apparently we angered Aeolus and have brought unfavorable winds and weather with us. But this has not hindered our learning. This week was the start of hydrology for us, which was appropriately set back a day by last week’s storm. Friday afternoon we actually got a tour of the island from Mark Willett of the Wannacomet Water Company. He showed us water towers, and explained how they work, in addition to showing us Miacomet Pond. Army Engineers used to open up Miacomet into the ocean in an effort to “filter out” the pond when it got too dirty. The pond is no longer opened into the ocean though. Coincidentally, the ocean temperature at that location was around 41F. This was a really interesting look at the island because it was from a vantage point we haven’t really gotten before. Mark showed us how to look at the island’s water supply and think about how to use it without impacting it on an irreparable level. The shellfish team and I also had a meeting regarding the branding of the NBS this week which has been a big leap in my project. I have my work cut out for me, but it’s going to be a fun and educational challenge.


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