Lisa DeAngelis, Director

UMass Boston | College of Management | Center for Collaborative Leadership

How much time do you spend in your sweet spot?


Yesterday our session with the fellows focused on Authentic Leadership – understanding your capabilities and motivators and the power of operating from the place where the two align (thus, your sweet spot).  Bob Coughlin, CEO of Massachusetts Biotechnology Council, crystallized the concept when he shared with the group, “When I figured out what it was that I loved, and what it was that I am passionate about, I realized I found my definition of success.”


So how do you do this? Write down your capabilities – those things that get you through when the going gets tough, and those things that others always seem to look to you to do.  My short list includes:

  • Courage – I know what is right and I have the courage to take action.
  • Accountability – I have a strong sense of responsibility to myself and others.
  • Impactful – I am an advocate for individuals who are not in a position to find their own voice.  I have a deep respect for human dignity.
  • Tenacity – When I am faced with a difficult situation, I have the fortitude to keep moving forward when others may give up.
  • Broad lens – I am able to look at the business and the people sides of an issue and find an optimal solution.


Next, write down what motivates you.  Again, as an example, here are a few of mine:

  • I want to be able to have the power necessary to drive positive change.
  • I want to be able to spend quality time with my family and friends.
  • I enjoy being challenged, having new experiences, and solving puzzles.
  • It is important to me that my work is done well.


Ultimately, for me, my sweet spot centers on helping others realize their fullest potential.


For those who have spent any time in their sweet spot, you know how much energy you get; how it really doesn’t seem like work; and how time seems to fly by.  As Bob Coughlin put it, “how many of you don’t have to hit the snooze button in the morning? That is how much I love my job.”  Additionally, others are drawn to work with you, and will put in the extra effort, because your passion and clarity about the purpose of what you are doing is so palpable.


The real power comes when you are able to engage others to live from their sweet spot as well.

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