The reality is, when we are clear about what matters most to us (our values) and what our unique contribution to the world is (our purpose), we are able to lead ourselves and others in a very powerful way. A tradition at the beginning of each new year is to make a resolution. Typically these resolutions are based on changes we wish to manifest in our lives. I believe that the reason that most of these resolutions do not come to fruition is because they are not clearly linked to our values and purpose.
I can hear you now, “I’m far too busy to take time to reflect on my values and purpose.” In many cases I find this to be an excuse based in fear – fear that what you discover may take you off of the path you are currently on. My response to this is that knowledge is power. Armed with this clarity, you are able to take control of your current situation and make decisions that help bring your life into alignment with what’s important to you.
My purpose, which I first discovered several years ago, is to help others realize their fullest potential. Over the years I have had the opportunity to realize this purpose many times over – whether it be creating a scholarship program for inner-city high school students, coaching individuals, or in my current role as director of the Center for Collaborative Leadership. Each time I am able to reconnect to this purpose I find that my level of energy, engagement, creativity and passion well forth. As I am able to lead my life from that place of purpose, it has a wonderful impact on those I am in relationship with (my family, my coworkers, my clients).