Lisa DeAngelis, Director

UMass Boston | College of Management | Center for Collaborative Leadership

What would you do?


This morning as I was leaving my home I noticed a motorcyclist stopped in front of a house further down the street.  It was clear that he was struggling to start his bike.  As I loaded my car, I watched as a handful of cars drove by.  Pulling out of my driveway, I drove up to him and asked if I might be able to offer any assistance.  With the help of another neighbor we were able to jumpstart his battery and send him on his way.

The reality is he helped me far more than I helped him.  My hope is to be able to move through each day with wisdom, compassion, intention and courage.  This morning he provided me with the opportunity to demonstrate these traits in a real and meaningful way.

We are so busy these days – rushing from meeting to meeting, responding to e-mails, trying to do more with less – we sometimes fail to notice the person in front of us who needs our help.  Leadership has less to do with title, role, and formal authority and is more about doing the right thing.  I imagine that there are people in your workplace, your community, your life who could use a helping hand right now.  Each of us has the ability to make a difference every day, it’s all about recognizing and seizing the opportunity presented to us.

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