Ni hao, it is Thursday morning in Xi’an. A few thoughts from me this morning. I am thinking about the importance of relationships. It’s not something entirely new to me. It is something I think, write, and teach about often in my work. Strong, positive relationships are the key to success. Without them, success is an elusive pursuit.
I have never felt so vulnerable and dependent as I do here in China. It is an important, and intense experience. I have extremely limited understanding of the language, and can’t read at all. I can’t even understand the characters. It makes me think about many of our students with disabilities. The key to my success: I feel safe and empowered with the help of my graduate students here. With their help, I am experimenting with the language and pushing myself to learn. With their help, Xi’an feels more like home with each new experience. Even something as “little” as walking around shops and making purchases together, or going to a restaurant to share a meal. I am craving independence, and it is the relationships I am forming that are helping me to get there because they are giving me guided practice to get there.
It’s a powerful experience to have, especially as someone who works in Special Education. I don’t think I can fully articulate yet fully what this is but I need to start writing to begin thinking out what it is that I am feeling. All I will say today is, I am thankful for my students, and for the positive relationships they have so openly and willingly begun to build with me. They are making my trip the adventure of a lifetime.
July 17, 2015 at 10:13 am
Not only does the teacher teach, but she continues to learn!!!
You make me proud, Kristin
July 18, 2015 at 6:23 pm
Kristin – you have a great experience in front of you, and I’m sure you’ll make the most of it!
July 18, 2015 at 7:06 pm
Nice thoughts, enjoy your time abroad