Teachable Moments

Teaching, research, and service in Special Education: What I'm learning

First day of school


Hi everyone!

Sorry for my lack of posting.  The Internet here is very slow, and some pages seems to work better than others.  A lot of the time, the speed reminds me of 1990s Internet.  I have a lot of stories and pictures to share from my first weekend in Xi’an!  For now, I am preparing to teach!  In two hours, my graduate assistant, Winnie, will be meeting me in my hotel lobby to escort me to class.  I teach from 2:30-5:30.  I am nervous and excited…. but isn’t that always what happens before the first day of school? 🙂  Never in my wildest dreams could I have ever imagined I would be teaching a graduate seminar in China. Wow. More soon – hopefully this evening.

Author: Kristin Murphy

I'm an Assistant Professor of Special Education at the University of Massachusetts Boston. My research interests include Special Education teacher quality and professional learning opportunities, particularly in exclusionary school settings. I am passionate about qualitative research in my field! I have held various Special Education-related teaching, research, and policy roles over the past fifteen years in London, New York City, Florida, and Boston. I am a lifelong Gator, and I love pugs and coffee.


  1. Hi Kris
    Thinking of you today and hoping all went well with teaching! I am sure you did well!

  2. First day of school jitters are always good! They keep you “on your game”! Hope it went well. It’s about 5:10 pm Mon here. I’m sure you’re almost ready to get up and plan for day “2”!

    Love all the pics you’re sharing…they really give a sense of life in Xi’an! Keep up the good work and I look forward to following your future posts and pics ❤️

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