Blog Instructions

Welcome IT Photo Project Year #10!

Here are someĀ  uploading instructions about making posts.

  • To add a group of photos click on the “Add Media” button and select the “Create Gallery” option.
  • Photos: You can upload while making the post or upload ahead of time and then select them. Photos are stored in the “Media” area -click from left navigation.
  • Accessibility and the web: Add “Alt Text” to your photos. If it is a group of same photos, can copy & paste the alt text.
  • Navigation: Go to the “Categories” box and check, “Group 10” so your post is included in the navigation.
  • Tags : Add tags, your name and a few words about what is in the photo such as “exterior” “laptop” “campus center”. If someone had to find this picture in two years, what terms do you think they would use?
  • Graphic: Choose a “Featured Image” so that there is a picture on theĀ  landing page grid of photos for people to click to get to your post.


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