Email containing the details of the Graduate Student Assembly meeting
Virtual GSA Meeting
Virtual GSA Meeting
Virtual GSA Meeting
Virtual GSA Meeting
” Greeting from our meeting on zoom: Let the virtual meeting begin” Attending the weekly virtual Graduate Student Assembly meeting.
#Umass Boston # GSA #Zoom #GraduateStudentAssembly#ZoomMeeting#studentlife #OnlineCampus#Student #Onlinestudent#Technology#Iphone #Patriots#Celtics#Sony
Virtual GSA Meeting
Virtual GSA Meeting
Virtual GSA Meeting
Virtual GSA Meeting
Virtual GSA Meeting
“Let the virtual meeting begin:Greetings from our meeting on zoom” Attending the weekly virtual Graduate Student Assembly meeting: Saw a cute spring spaniel (family pet) in someone’s zoom camera: dog name “Lady” age: 15
#Umass Boston # GSA #Zoom #GraduateStudentAssembly#ZoomMeeting#studentlife #OnlineCampus#Student#Onlinestudent #Dogslover #DogsofInstagram #technology #Patriots#Celtics