Patrick Sheldon, Research report from one summer day on Boston Harbor
Weather: Early morning clouds, mostly burned off by 10 a.m. Partly cloudy (70% clear skies). Savin Hill Cove in cloud cover, anchorage and jfk clear skies. Winds 8-10 mph with 1-3 ft waves. Low- tide at 9:38 a.m. Had trouble collected upward/ downward radiance on the way back in due to cloud cover. Sampling at Buoy A (11:00- 11:30) had best visibility. All time reported in EDT
Checking signals oxygen 1: CDOM, oxygen 2: Chl, oxygen 3: OBS. CTD laptop 15 minutes fast.
9:50 a.m. All on- board instruments working (CTD and upward/ downward radiance) Bob, Francesco, Zhehai, Patrick depart from dock.
10:09 a.m. started transect from Venetian Restaurant traveling at 5 knots. CTD towed 3 ft off Port side, end of purple tape at the surface. Continuous measurements of Chl, CDOM, OBS, salinity, temperature recorded and saved under “BH Transect 1”.
11:00 a.m. completed transect and arrived at Buoy A (anchorage). See “15.08.20 BH Report.xls” for data summary. Waiting for overpass at 11:30, preformed maintenance on Buoy A (Airmar and CDOM sensors).
11:30 a.m. Collected discrete samples 1-3, tested upward/downward radiance, and preformed vertical cast with CTD (Saved as “BH harbor surface.) from Buoy A.
11:40 a.m. Collected discrete samples 4-6, tested upward/downward radiance, and preformed vertical cast with CTD (saved as BH remote cast 2) from Navigational Buoy 2.
11:51 a.m. Collected discrete samples 7-9, tested upward/downward radiance, and preformed vertical cast with CTD (saved as BH remote cast B) from Buoy B. Pulled CTD out of water before instrument stop on this vertical cast.
12:05 p.m. Collected discrete samples 10-12, tested upward/downward radiance, and preformed vertical cast with CTD (saved as BH remote cast 4) from Navigational Buoy 4.
12:23 p.m. Collected discrete samples 13-15, tested upward/downward radiance, and preformed vertical cast with CTD (saved as BH remote cast C) from Buoy C.
Final note: Successful day with no surprises. Established all transect files will be saved as “<date> BH Remote”. Also, all buoys will be labeled as follows:
Station 1 or Buoy at gas tank – Buoy A
Station 2 (42°18′.453, 71°02′.028W) – Navigational Buoy 4
Station 3 – Buoy B
Station 4 (42°19′.574N, 71°00′.177W) – Navigational Buoy 2
Station 5 or anchorage- Buoy A