Justice in Aging, a national legal advocacy nonprofit that fights senior poverty through law, has formed an innovative partnership with the Gerontology Institute’s LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMass Boston to support research while enhancing the nonprofit’s capacity to interpret data. The… Continue Reading →
The UMass Boston Department of Gerontology has named Jeffrey Stokes, PhD, assistant professor of gerontology and current director of the undergraduate aging studies program, as the graduate program director, overseeing the gerontology doctoral program. A quantitative sociologist, Stokes joined the… Continue Reading →
Like many who enter the gerontology field, Brittany McFeeley was drawn to studying aging because of a personal experience: As a child, she watched her grandmother suffer with Alzheimer’s disease. She is passionate about research, specifically any studies that build… Continue Reading →
Raad Alsowayigh has joined the Pension Action Center (PAC) as its legal clerk, responsible for managing the client caseload and supervising the undergraduate interns who staff the center’s help line. Alsowayigh (his name is pronounced Rod Also-way-egh) graduated in May… Continue Reading →
UMass Boston gerontology graduate students along with faculty and staff members delivered more than 60 presentations and posters at the 2023 annual scientific meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. The meeting took place in early November in Tampa, Florida…. Continue Reading →
The federal Administration for Community Living (ACL) has awarded Community Catalyst a four-year grant to develop, test, and disseminate new approaches for increasing awareness of family caregivers and building support for their unique concerns. As part of that grant, the… Continue Reading →
Caitlin Coyle, PhD ‘14, is featured among a handful of fellow leaders in aging in a new podcast, ReiMAgine Aging, produced by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs in partnership with Point32Health Foundation and the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative…. Continue Reading →
“My life has changed in a direction I never would have seen it go in had I not been an MAS student. I hope to make you all proud as I move forward in my career in aging.”—Sophia Casale, MAS… Continue Reading →
Older women, especially those living alone, continue to experience an elevated risk of economic insecurity, as detailed in a new report, “Late-life Gender Disparities in Economic Security,” from the Gerontology Institute at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The report uses… Continue Reading →
The Journal of Aging & Social Policy, published six times annually and based at UMass Boston since its inception in 1989, continues to see a high impact factor—which measures the average number of citations for articles and reviews published in… Continue Reading →
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