GCU-UMass Boston Exchange Blog

March 17, 2016
by reipojani001

Reflection by Linh Dang and Rei Pojani (Academic Support)

The GCU Exchange went extremely well and everyone seemed to have a wonderful time together. Working as a team is very important in order to have made this exchange  successful (in which we did). The Academic Support team of pre-med A, worked together and shared ideas with each other, for example each member was responsible for different class to take note on the exchanged week. During that time our team members got to know and understand each other more while working together. Moreover, participating in activities during the exchange week was very fun and interesting. We took the visiting students to explore more of our campus and the city. We got to know many differences and similarities between Boston and Glasgow. We really enjoyed the dinner at Fire and Ice that everyone seemed to have lots of fun in such a great environment and outstanding food. The Celtics Basketball game was very fun and everyone had a great time together. The farewell dinner took place in a wonderful place with a very nice view and good food. We got to meet people from other communities and all of the exchanged students. This exchange week was an awesome experiment that we got to understand each other in a team more, knew the new things from Glasgow and had so much fun together.


March 17, 2016
by gladynelbaez001

How Scotland changed my life

Entering UMass Boston in the fall, I never imagined that I would be visiting Scotland and having one of the best experiences of my life. I remember feeling bad about not getting into other schools like Harvard, and now I know that everything happens for  reason. Had I not attended Umass this year I would have not had this amazing opportunity. The people I met in Scotland became life long friends. Having the opportunity to see the educational environment of another country opened my eyes to the many possibilities there are all around the world. Although the order of teaching in definitely different in Scotland, the passion of the students and the ultimate goal is the same; for this reason walking into class did not feel like walking into a strange place, I already felt at home because I was surrounded by people with the same goals as the people in the community here at UMB.

Although the University was the major component of the exchange, there were many other highlights of the trip that will definitely stay with me for ever. The architecture was simply amazing. The old castle like buildings all over Scotland (especially Edinburgh) definitely made me feel as if I was in Hogwarts. In Glasgow, all the historical places such as the cathedral, reminded me that there is more to the world than just present day architecture. History is beautiful, and this exchange reminded me of that.

Upon arriving back to Boston I realized something different in me. This exchange pushed me to step out of my comfort zone. Meeting new people and having to ask many questions to be able to get around in Glasgow really helped me become more open to people and making friends.. Before the trip I cannot say that I was very close with any of the Ambassadors; however spending that week with all of them in Scotland made us grow closer as friends. Now not only do I have five more friends to sit and talk with during breaks when school starts, but I also have many more friends whom I left behind in Scotland and plan to visit again in the future.


Thank you to all of you who made this exchange possible. It really began to open my eyes to the beautiful world and people beyond us.

March 17, 2016
by meganfung001

Reflection Pt. 2: the heartwarming bit

It’s Sunday the 6th and we, the UMB ambassadors, just exited the Glasgow airport, exhausted and wanting nothing more than a bed to nap in. The Glaswegians wouldn’t allow that though; they forced us to go to Nando’s with them and enjoy a chicken burger and accented conversation. Us Americans woke up a little bit, for a little while, enough to get to know that Abigail is obsessed with Nando’s, at the very least. That first day, we were not anywhere near what we would become.

Monday went by slowly, but Tuesday quicker. Every following day had less hours than the one before. The closer we got, the less time we had, to our chagrin. How could it be that we’d become so close? No clue. But it was meant to happen. We all know it to be true. Nearing the end of the trip, it was as if we had known each other for most of our lives and one didn’t know how to survive without the other.


Presently… Wednesday, 16 March – 12:47pm

I’m currently at work on my lunch break, using the time to write my reflection on my week in Glasgow. All morning, in between seeing patients (yes, I’m paying attention to my job first and foremost!), I’ve been snapchatting/talking to some of the GCU students – for hours. “I miss you.” “What are you up to?” “I can’t wait to see you again! Soon, right??” It’s been 3 days since we left Glasgow, but anyone would think it’s been months by the way we talk to each other. Nearly 24/7 we were together, and we still didn’t get enough of each other.


Now I’ll keep it short, because I get to talking about everyone, we’ll be here for a while and I’ll get too emotional.

At the start of this exchange, I emphasized the networking aspect most of all because I thought that there was some opportunity for internships or the like, that we could help each other out with eventually. Never did I imagine that “networking” would really be developing insanely close friendships over the course of only a week. I love those people. Those are my people. All of us, our lives have changed through this exchange. Claudia is coming to UMB spring 2017 for a semester and will be here for six full months, and I couldn’t be more excited. David might be coming to the US for three months this summer as a camp counselor, and may travel to Boston for a week’s vacation. Gillian has officially changed her vacation savings plan and made Boston her destination for summer 2017. Many of the others are hoping to come over here in the near (I’m talking a couple years, not a couple months) future to visit Boston and see all of us again. Of course, we’re expected to go back there as well, and while GCU and UMB are all, completely separated, we’re to have a Facetime reunion.

We’re not leaving each other. We’ll stay together however we can.

Thank you to everyone who made it possible for me to go on this trip and meet all of these amazing people, Glaswegians and Bostonians alike. I can’t imagine not having them now, but I’m so thankful that I do.

March 17, 2016
by meganfung001

Reflection Pt. 1: the academics

We UMB ambassadors immediately noticed the differences between our classes and those at Glasgow Caledonian. There they are taking physiology and “Cab” and aren’t made to take English courses their first year like we are. However, the biggest difference is…….get ready for it……..university is free for all UK students. Insanely envy worthy, I know.

Approaches to problem solving and lab work are quite similar to our own, though perhaps the way we tackled the work was more like how we have learned from our instructors, respectively. I noticed that there were some topics we had already covered in Boston that they hadn’t, and we knew how to get to the root of the problem immediately. There were plenty of things that they are ahead of us on, too — they just started organic chem, we attended their first lecture.

Though we didn’t experience a full week of classes at Cale, I think that all 6 of us would agree that it was amazing, we loved it, and we would jump at the chance to study there for a semester. (Or just move there forever, which works just as well.)

March 17, 2016
by alexli001

This is not the end, but rather a new beginning.

From forming new friendships to learning about what the Scottish culture was about and even touring my own city (like I always have been), there was plenty that happened throughout this week that was very memorable, especially for myself.   When I first met the Scottish ambassadors at the airport, I was very delighted to meet them all, even my two own ambassadors.  I knew that these students were a good bunch that was brought over for what was to be a great week of events.  As a host from Biochem A, I learned so much about myself from the hosting perspective.  What I had done throughout the week was to make sure my ambassadors were well hosted by checking in often to see how they’re doing and even messaging them in the evenings and mornings to say hello and have a conversation.

This experience definitely taught me to be a better friend to many of my friends and to help others when they ask for help.  It also has taught me that if I put in so much of my effort and time into anything, I am sure to be successful in anything.  When I had to say my farewells to my ambassadors and the other four ambassadors, it was a sad momemt that I have met new friends at the beginning of the week and now they had to go.  The end of the exchange is not only a end of a memorable journey, rather it is the beginning of a new entrance into a new journey which I will apply what I have learned from the whole exchange.  Hopefully one day I will have the chance to visit Glasgow and GCU to study and have fun with the students I have met from Scotland.

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