GCU-UMass Boston Exchange Blog

Reflection Pt. 1: the academics


We UMB ambassadors immediately noticed the differences between our classes and those at Glasgow Caledonian. There they are taking physiology and “Cab” and aren’t made to take English courses their first year like we are. However, the biggest difference is…….get ready for it……..university is free for all UK students. Insanely envy worthy, I know.

Approaches to problem solving and lab work are quite similar to our own, though perhaps the way we tackled the work was more like how we have learned from our instructors, respectively. I noticed that there were some topics we had already covered in Boston that they hadn’t, and we knew how to get to the root of the problem immediately. There were plenty of things that they are ahead of us on, too — they just started organic chem, we attended their first lecture.

Though we didn’t experience a full week of classes at Cale, I think that all 6 of us would agree that it was amazing, we loved it, and we would jump at the chance to study there for a semester. (Or just move there forever, which works just as well.)

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