GCU-UMass Boston Exchange Blog

Group bonding, our way


8:46pm, Wednesday

Today we attended their lectures. You might think, “That’s not special. How different could a lecture be?” The first lecture theatre we went into was large, albeit not as high and wide as Lipke Auditorium at UMass Boston. The physiology lecture of the day was on white blood cells — not something we really learn first year at UMass Boston. We had an hour break during which Colton proceeded to eat the breakfast that he missed from waking up so late (!) and included square sausage and blood pudding……. Colton and I both tried the blood pudding and it wasn’t all that bad, kind of like a grainy bread with a meat flavour. I definitely prefer haggis (yes, I really really like it). After the break, we went to a smaller lecture hall for a second hour of physiology and then went for lunch, only Subway.

After a group bonding experience, we took the train over to the Glasgow Botanic Gardens. The greenhouses were just about closing, so we all just sat on benches and the ground together and talked, pointing out every dog that passed by and eating endless amounts of candy out of Claudia’s bag. For dinner, we went to an American themed restaurant on a lovely little street in Hillhead, where lights were strung up overhead and the aesthetic appealed to all. The GCU students realized it was a bit odd to take us to an American restaurant, but we got a nice comparison between the burgers in Glasgow and those in Boston. (Slight bias, but Boston burgers are the best!) Early night to be ready for classes the next day, we all headed back on the train and went home. As we did every night, some of us Boston students stayed up late just talking and talking and talking. Half a week, and so close already.

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