GCU-UMass Boston Exchange Blog

Introduction: Juanita Saenz and Marina Teixeira


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Marina at Abbey Road, us at a train station, and Juanita at Portland International Rose Garden

Hello, it’s us, Juanita and Marina!

We are so excited for the exchange to begin. We will be keeping you updated with any of the Pre-Med A events through this blog. I, Juanita, will be writing the blog posts and Marina will be taking pictures. We live for stereotypical tourist pictures so expect lots of those. We are very similar and see eye to eye on most things except for Crocs, Marina despises them but I love them! Crocs are encouraged at every event (maybe not the farewell dinner).We are both Biology majors and plan on becoming health care professionals. We are South American (Colombian and Brazilian) sarcastic, and a part of Beacon Egg and Cheese. Two of our group members, Megan and Colton, are ambassadors and we will miss them dearly.

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