GCU-UMass Boston Exchange Blog

Stem cells


On Wednesday, we started working on stem cells with the GCU students. I did not learn much about stem cells in class because the video Dr. Hagar was supposed to play for us could not be played because of technical difficulties. But he sent us the video via email and some things that I learned were; stem cells are used in the blood system,  a blood stem cell can make 8 different types of specialized cells for example skin cells, one skin cell can produce enough skin cells to cover the whole body and this is helpful with burn victims. What surprised me was that burn victims that have been saved by stem cells have no hair and they don’t sweat. Something that I learned from my peers was that embryonic stem cells can become any specialized cell. One strategy that was developed so that the ambassadors could keep track of the assignments was to have someone tell them about the assignments. This strategy worked best. Things I would improve/suggest improving next year are more definite organization of who is going to help/host the GCU students at every step of their visit.

Later at 7:3o pm we went to the celtics basket ball game and that was a lot of fun.

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