GCU-UMass Boston Exchange Blog

Day 6: Stem Cells with a Side of Haggis


A plate of Haggis (brown colored mixture) with sides of mashed potatoes and a carrot/turnip blend.

A plate of Haggis (brown colored mixture) with sides of mashed potatoes and a carrot/turnip blend.

The day has finally arrive! After weeks of anticipation, we were able to try Haggis. Though I did not mind the oat and meat blend, some had stronger responses to the Scottish delicacy. Below I have included the video of Ambassadors, Emina and Rachel, trying Haggis for the first time. I hope you will enjoy this short clip. Also, we were able to finish the Stem Cell project with the GCU group.

Tomorrow we will be visiting the capital of Scotland: Edinburg.


See you then,

Rodney Bruno

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