GCU-UMass Boston Exchange Blog

Day 4 Glasgow


Today was every Harry Potter fan’s dream! The group took a trip to the University of Glasgow which is also known to most as Hogwart’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It is said that the school in the Harry Potter books was based off of the University of Glasgow and some scenes were even filmed there! While at the school, we visited the museum of anatomy. The museum even had a disection room which consisted of the preserved cadavers and the different parts of there anatomy cut open and exposed for all to investigate and explore. It was quite sad however when we saw the museums collection of baby cadavers in jars whom passed away at early stages of birth due to rare diseases.  One of the really interesting things to see was a full grown women’s head cut in half exposing the brain, tongue, and various other parts of her anatomy. Other animal intestines were included in the exhibit for people to see. Sadly, no photos or videos were allowed to be taken. After visiting the university, we walked over to the Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery. We saw various stuffed wildlife animals, insects, and statues. We even saw the animal in which haggis is made of! It is probably the weirdest looking animals we have ever seen. After the museums, we headed back to town and went out to eat at this place called Nando’s which was absolutely amazing! The restaurant’s main focus of meals was chicken seasoned any way you wanted with their specialty being Nando’s spicy chicken. After dinner, we went out to one of the local pubs to watch the Northern Ireland vs. Scotland futbol game! Scotland 0-1 in the last few remaining minutes of the second half! It was so exciting! So far, the ambassadors and I have had such an amazing time and are sad to have to leave this amazing country and city soon.

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