GCU-UMass Boston Exchange Blog

Day 2: A Bus Tour of Glasgow


During our second day in Glasgow we were taken on a tour of Glasgow Caledonian University. The campus was very big and in many ways similar to UMass Boston’s campus! Next, we went on a bus tour of Glasgow and our first stop was their necropolis, which is a very large cemetery. Right next to the necropolis was the Glasgow Cathedral. The inside had a beautiful gothic theme and many stained glass windows. Next, we went to the Riverside Museum/Glasgow Museum of Transport. Here we got to see locomotives from different time periods and re-created shops and streets that resembled Glasgow in the 1890s to 1980s. It was really cool to see how Glasgow looked like back then, keeping in mind how modern some parts of the city has become now. We then explored a boat on the River Clyde, which was also part of the museum. We finished the day off with dinner. I tried Irn-Bru and I agree with Dean Grosovsky, it wasn’t that good.

These are pictures of the necropolis and the ship we explored!

Cemetary         Boat

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