GCU-UMass Boston Exchange Blog

Day 1: Walkers and The Hunt for the Crest



Some of the ambassadors a few hours after we got off the plane. Even with our luggage we were ready to explore.


There is so much that happened so far, but it all starts with landing in London. Besides the trill of finally walking on British soil, Emina grabbed a bag of chips and it resembled “Lays”, but wasn’t. Just seeing the “Walker” chips was a welcome to the United Kingdom. The unique bathroom signs caught my attention (I guess in the UK they skip on the arms). At Glasgow, we were greeted by friendly GCU students and staff. After a quick stroll around town, we had dinner with the students and ended up talking about currency. Fun fact: newer Scottish coins form a crest. As of today, I am on a quest to complete the Scottish crest!

Until tomorrow,




Crest Attempt

Failed attempt at creating the crest (I’m currently searching for more coins)

These are the infamous London signs. (Notice the puffy blouse and lack of arms)

These are the infamous London signs. (Notice the puffy blouse and lack of arms)

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