GCU-UMass Boston Exchange Blog

My Return Home


The trip back to the States was not as stressful as the trip to Glasgow. Knowing what would happen this time around, I was prepared for the return trip. We had a 10 hour layover in London Heathrow, and a 5 hour layover in New York. I thought it was funny how much the airports differ from London and New York. Acclimating back home was fine; I got a few hours of sleep on the plane, so I was rested. Overall the trip to Glasgow was a lot of fun from both sightseeing, and experiencing the foreign university. There are a few things that the United States could learn from the way that foreign universities teach. The first two years in university are on a pass fail basis, and far less stressful. Overall, the trip to Glasgow was an exciting experience in a culture different than ours. Cheers!


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