GCU-UMass Boston Exchange Blog



When I first started the engineering freshmen seminar I never imagined I would be spending my first spring break in Glasgow.

For me, getting to Glasgow was the final step of semester long project. Despite having no experience writing code and only a semester of electrical engineering under my belt we were able to build a wifi controlled car. After weeks of hard work and a steep learning curve we finally had a working model to demo for the students of Glasgow Caledonian University.

We left Logan Airport on Saturday and woke up the next day on a different continent. Once in Glasgow we were met by our gracious hosts that told us a wee bit about what they had planned and made sure we made it to our hotel on time.

That evening they treated us to bowling where we got to meet more of our Scottish counterparts. They guided us through the streets of Glasgow where many of the buildings house modern shops like “Urban Outfitters” and “GAP” on the ground level and lovely historic facades on the upper levels.

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After a night of bowling and getting to know our hosts we stopped at a traditional “Chippery” for some authentic fish and chips for dinner.

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After a long flight and a wonderful first night I am excited about sitting in on classes this week and seeing what else Glasgow has in store for us!


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