
FSC Seminar (Spring)

2019 STEM Career & Internship Expo


Event Start Date: February 13, 2019 – 12 p.m.
Event End Date: February 13, 2019 – 4:30 p.m.
Location: Campus Center, 3rd Floor, Ballrooms A, B, and C

Meet with potential employers and hear from professionals and graduate students currently working in STEM fields to learn about the diverse kinds of work they do and ask questions about their experiences. This is your chance to meet with employers from the life sciences, environmental sciences, technology, biotechnology industries about summer 2019 internships and employment.

The STEM Internship Expo is designed to bring students, faculty, and employers together focusing on three specific areas:

  1. Awareness: Make students aware of employment opportunities, research, business and economic development in the region by promoting STEM industries.
  2. Engagement: Provide the opportunity for area employers, students, faculty, and staff to engage in a dialogue oriented around industry needs and the development of human capital. In doing so, a better understanding of what employers are looking for in terms of workforce development, how UMass Boston can best develop an ongoing partnership/collaboration with area employers and promoting STEM industries to students is gleaned.
  3. Internships and Jobs: Develop experiential learning opportunities for students with area employers/researchers and connecting these experiences to professional development and career objectives of students.

Details here.

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