The Freshman Path

Just another UMass Boston Blogs weblog

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice


I was never a coffee drinker… that was until I found myself waking up so I could climb behind the wheel and drive several hours west before the sun even had a chance to throw a shade of color in the sky. Traveling to high schools around New England has taught me to appreciate caffeine. And although I would never put myself in a category of elite coffee drinkers who can identify a Cafe Misto from 20 feet away, I will say that I have grown to appreciate a good cup and especially a yummy one.

So that being said, I just wanted to say how much it made my day, when I stopped by the Atrium Cafe in the Campus Center for a warm crisp North End panini and saw that the Eggnog Latte, Gingerbread Latte, and the Peppermint Mocha where now in season. I debated for a bit and settled on the Gingerbread. Yummmm!


  1. I’m impressed by your writing. Are you a professional or just very knowledgeable?

  2. Hi Champ,
    I am certainly not a professional writer… just a graduate of a high quality education at UMass. But I appreciate the compliment.

  3. How could any of this be better stated? It couldn’t.

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