Blog Posts, Uncategorized

Blog Post #4: Sonic Walk Reflection

I first looked around for sounds on the same floor of our classroom. As soon as I went into the same hallway as the elevators, I immediately heard the sound of a generator making noise behind a door and decided to record it. Just afterwards, I heard the water fountain’s machine turn on and recorded that as well.

During this activity, I listened carefully to all the sounds around me, much more than I would have otherwise. As I walked around campus, I had my eyes and ears open to investigate what I could capture. I recorded all sorts of sounds from a locker opening and closing, to newspapers being picked from a stand, to steps in an echoey stairway, to crinkle of a chips bag.

One of my personal favorites of the sounds I recorded, and an unusual one too, came from a vending machine. But it wasn’t something dispensing, or the opening of the little gate, but instead the sound of the eject button being pushed. It had sounded very clear and crisp, and I believe one could use it to represent another object.

Class Updates, Uncategorized

Visual Project Image Draft

Here is a draft of the visual portion of the first project. As seen, I’d hypothetically upload the visual to Instagram where the caption would include my written portion of the project. I’m still adding more to the image overall, and trying to decide if I want to include text, such as data points inside the image, or to have all the writing only in the caption of the social media post.

Blog Posts, Uncategorized

Blog Post #2: Potential Issue Ideas for the First Project

After brainstorming and searching online for ideas, such as this page from 80,000 Hours, I’ve found a few potential issues that I’m interested in focusing on for the first project. The first is mental illnesses/health: the still lack of awareness/importance, the stigma of getting professional help and revealing one is unwell. I’m unsure if it’s an understudied issue since it has become much more talked about in recent years, yet not as much as other issues. Another idea I have is fast fashion: in the environment clothing and accessories are made, how they are bought in bulk only to be shortly used and disposed of, where the cycle repeats as trends change. And the third idea I have is factory farming, where many animals are treated terribly, often in not big enough cages.

Blog Posts, Uncategorized

Blog Post #1: Multimodality and Multimedia

Multimodality, how I would explain it, is the use of multiple modes (such as text, images, sounds, color, etc.) to convey information or some kind of message.

An example of multimodality is this billboard, found on via Google Images, incorporating text, image, and color to appeal to an audience. In this case, the audience is the drivers.

Multimedia refers to the platforms, mediums, and/or forms these modes are on to convey that information. Examples are video games, an article with a linked social media post, slideshows with audio/video.