A few of us are off to the Caribbean island of Dominica to test out some Geophysical methods and techniques. Mark Hauser of Northwestern is running the operation consulting with Ken Kelly of the University of South Carolina. The expedition is funded by the Wenner Gren Foundation. Flying down with me is UMass Boston Historic Archaeology Program graduate Kathryn “Kat” Catlin and we will meet long time collaborators Doug Bolender (Field Museum) and Brian Damiata (UCLA) in San Juan before flying to Dominica. We plan to test out conductivity using the EM-31 and EM-38, try a little GPR, and some magnetometry. We are planning to test this equipment out at two sites: Sugar Loaf and Bois Cotlette (marked by pins in the map at the top left) . We will be looking at the geophysical contrasts left behind by the household remains of enslaved laborers.
To Dominica
February 29, 2012 | 0 comments