Effective Commenting Skills

This blog is set up to be interactive, your comments and questions are very important to us. Unlike written communication where access to your material or writing is limited to whoever has access to the paper, web communication is more open and access can be unlimited. One of the most important guiding principles of commenting on a blog post should be respect  for the author and other web users.  Below are a few tips for quality commenting on a blog post.

1. Read the post carefully.

2. Read other peoples comments to make sure that you are not repeating what others have said earlier

3. Think before you comment

4. Compose meaningfully

5. Respect other peoples opinion. This is not an avenue to pick up a fight.

6. Avoid a back and forth with another user.

7. Remember we are here to learn, you don’t have to have the last word.

8. Remember to check your Grammar, spellings and punctuation.

9. Remember the goal of this blog is to teach and learn about library resources and services.

10. Interactive learning is fun, enjoy the experience!