Writing for Print and Online Media

UMass Boston || English 307 || Fall 2014 || Prof. Erin Anderson

Tag: style

Blog Post #8: Titles

Find three different titles from three different forms of media—books, articles, essays, movies, albums, etc.—in any genre, that you find particularly strong or compelling and write a brief analysis of each one. Consider the stylistic decisions behind the word choice, structure, length, punctuation, etc.: What makes these titles work—both in general and for these particular pieces? What expectations do they raise—in terms of content, tone, genre, etc.? What themes or values do they suggest? What do they leave unanswered or unspoken?

What might you take away from these examples as you [re]consider the titles of your own stories for this class?

Blog Post #6: Style in “Show Dog”

As you read “Show Dog” by Susan Orlean, pay special attention to her use of style through particular language choices, sentence structures, etc. How would you characterize the tone that colors her writing? How does she use subtle turns of phrase to create a sense of character or commentary? Choose a short passage from Orlean’s profile of Biff Truesdale (aka “Champion Hi-Tech’s Arbitrage”), which stands out to you as particularly engaging or effective and write a detailed analysis of the stylistic decisions that make it tick. What might you take away from this text to apply to your own writing as you begin to draft your profile article?

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