The man behind the bar said this place belonged to the public.
Drums…Sax….People. Loud. Keyboard. Drinks. Drums.
People. Voices. Beer. Trumpet. Bass. Bass. Guitar…..Jazz.
“Man, this is great.”
Select one of the images you plan to use in your photo essay and produce three possible captions for that image, using three different word-image relationships from the schema in McCloud’s chapter (i.e. word-specific, picture-specific, etc.) Embed the image in your post three times, with each caption listed below.
You should be able to identify which of the word-image relationships you are using in each caption, if asked, but please DO NOT indicate this relationship in your post. We will use your captioned images as a springboard for discussion in class.
Choose an image — one that you find particularly challenging or compelling — from any of the assigned photo essays and write a detailed visual analysis. Drawing on the supplemental readings for an analytical framework, consider (1) the key compositional elements of the image, (2) how you see the image fitting within the narrative of the larger photo essay of which it forms a part, and the (3) emotional or rhetorical effect the image evokes in you as a viewer.
Please embed the image into your post and link to the page of the photo essay.
(See the “Blog” page of the course website for a reminder of the requirements for blog posts.)
One of the images that stood out to me was image 3/15 in the “Remembering Hardware” photo essay. It is the only black and white photo out of all the essays and I think that is satisfies a lot of the photo compositional guidelines in the readings.
This photo definitely satisfies the Rule of Thirds – the main focuses of the photo fall on the lines that divide up the field into 9 equal parts. Mr. Kramer’s father is the biggest focal point on the right, and his assistant on the left also acts as a balancing element. There is a lot of depth in this photo. Again, Mr. Kramer’s dad is accentuated by his presence in the foreground (along with a small pile of knick-knacks). His assistant on the left is in the middle ground, and the racks of paint cans and whatnot take up the background.
I think this photo would be considered a medium shot, although it has some features of an establishing photo. This shot shows the characters along with their surroundings. It appears early in the sequence and the characters are on the job.
In the overall scheme of the essay, it helped me to learn about Mr. Kramer and the hardware store by capturing family history. Mr. Kramer is proud and I can see that he totally owns the store, and we can see from the background that the store as always been packed with lots of things. It impressed me how happy his assistant is because the 1930s were not kind to most businesses. It made me feel like Mr. Kramer is the last member of his family to carry on this legacy – one that is proud to have always been able to successfully manage a wild and complicated inventory, even in the hardest of times. This picture sets the audience up for an essay that picks up at the beginning of an end.
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