The three I choose are Sweeney Tood : The demon barber on fleet street, The Missionary Position Mother Teresa in theory and practice and My Bad George Bush.
Sweeney Tood: The Demon Barber on fleet street is a title that I do enjoy. The simplicity of the title works. It starts off with his name and then a brief description that does not give much away. The use of “Demon Barber” complexes me. The questions that come to mind are:What do you mean by Demon Barber? What is a Demon Barber? Is it literally a Demon cutting guys hair? This title makes me want to see the movie. It’s clever without trying too hard.
One title I feel is trying too hard is The Missionary Position Mother Teresa in theory. The title is meant to have a double meaning, Mother Teresea being a missionary and another meaning. I think the double meaning title is always creative but it takes away from the story of Mother Teresa. The second mean has nothing to do who she is as a person. The only way double meaning titles work is if both meanings relate to the topic at hand. This title is creative but dumb at the same time.
My Bad George Bush is another title i’m mixed about. When I first saw this title on Pinterest I chucked. This story is an outside look into George Bush’s life and presidency. Though I think this is a good title I do not think that Bush will approve. This makes me think to think about my subject when selection a title. Bush had his ups and downs ( mostly downs) in his presidency but he might not agree with the title. The use of “My Bad” implies he did something wrong. I would like it if my subject would look at my article and enjoy the title with me and not become upset because she feel misrepresented
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