Writing for Print and Online Media

UMass Boston || English 307 || Fall 2014 || Prof. Erin Anderson

Author: shameykamccalman001

Title Posts

The three I choose are Sweeney Tood : The demon barber on fleet street,  The Missionary Position Mother Teresa in theory and practice and My Bad George Bush.

Sweeney Tood: The Demon Barber on fleet street is a title that I do enjoy. The simplicity of the title works.  It starts off with his name and then a brief description that does not give much away.  The use of “Demon Barber” complexes me. The questions that come to mind are:What do you mean by Demon Barber? What is a Demon Barber? Is it literally a Demon cutting guys hair? This title makes me want to see the movie. It’s clever without trying too hard.

One title I feel is trying too hard is The Missionary Position Mother Teresa in theory. The title is meant to have a double meaning, Mother Teresea being a missionary and another meaning. I think the double meaning title is always creative but it takes away from the story of Mother Teresa. The second mean has nothing to do who she is as a person. The only way double meaning titles work is if  both meanings relate to the topic at hand. This title is creative but dumb at the same time.

My Bad George Bush is another title i’m mixed about. When I first saw this title on Pinterest I chucked.  This story is an outside look into George Bush’s life and presidency. Though I think this is a good title I do not think that Bush will approve. This makes me think to think about my subject when selection a title. Bush had his ups and downs ( mostly downs) in his presidency but he might not agree with the title. The use of “My Bad” implies he did something wrong. I would like it if my subject would look at my article and enjoy the title with me and not become upset because she feel misrepresented

Post #7

The multimedia profile, “Bulger on Trial”, was not as effective as I thought it could be. For the most part I read this article first because I was familiar with “Whitey “Bulger and his affiliation to the mob. The article contains two pictures of “Whitey” from afar and one audio recording with his former hit man. I felt that these did not add to the piece. I think that it should have just been an article and not referred to as a multimedia profile.

Later I decided to read, “Soon there will be no survivors” by Jason Florio. The article was full of different accounts of the holocaust from numerous survivors. Though the article was moving I did feel as there was too much going on that it was hard to focus on one person’s story.

“Burger on Trial” did not really enhance my reading experience. The pictures were not amazing in quality or quantity. I really do feel that I would have gotten the same affect from the story if I the extra audio clip and hand full of pictures were not added. The design for this multimedia piece seemed simple. The author did not seem as though he wanted to make it complex for the reader. In the end this caused the article to come off as boring or as though the author was in a rush to finish.

When I write my multimedia profile I would like for there to be a good middle ground between these two articles. I would like my story to seem focused and detailed without coming off as boring. If there aren’t many other components to the piece then it should just be an article and not a multimedia profile. When profiling my subject I would focus on something not too broad, like Holocaust Survivors. The “soon there will be no survivors” piece would have been more affective if the author focused on Holocaust survivor and not just a group of them

The Art of the profile

From these two articles I can identify what makes “the art of profiling” in a different genre from other works of literature. In order to profile a subject you must stick to one thing the subject does and do not talk about much else that they do. In the article Bernie Goetz, Squirrel Vigilante the author discusses who he saves squares and not much else. Socha does not bring up his any other skills he might have or if he has another career. She only talks about his work with squirrels.

When profiling a subject it is best to start off with a back story. This might give the reader more of an idea into who this character is and what they do that makes them so special. In  Bernie Goetz, Squirrel Vigilante the author talks about who he was in the past ( a notorious murder) to who he is today ( a squirrel rescuer). Starting off with a store also seems to engage the reader more than just starting off with what they do.

These kinds of articles could be sectioned off into different parts. In the Sean Casey, Pet Rescuer has different sections for the work he does,  how he started rescuing pets and where his company is today.

These kinds of writing are also very descriptive. There is alto more showing then telling.  Knight writes,  “Casey is an unassuming figure. He walks with a slight slouch and dresses in shades of gray, black and navy blue, trading a t-shirt for a hoodie in cooler months. In conversation, he tends to avoid eye contact. His short brown hair lies flat against his scalp. He holds his face in a perpetual neutral expression. Casey’s impenetrability can read as social awkwardness, or aloofness. He seems, almost, too quiet.”  Instead of saying that Casey is a quite simple guy from Brooklyn, NY this causes the reader to paint a picture in our minds of what Casey might look like if he was standing right in front of us



Obehi Janice

I’ve chosen to profile Obehi Janice’s professional profile website. Obehi’s website contains a few pages about her resent work,education, and community service. Obehi  Janice is a recent Georgetown Graduate who is currently acting, writing, and doing improve in Boston, Ma. She has trained with Shakespeare & Company and ImprovBoston. She has also been featured in various television, film and voice over roles. Obehi’s plays include RED DRINKBLACK GIRL OGA, OLE WHITE SUGAH DADDY, and numerous others. Recently she was named by Improper Bostonian as “Boston’s Best Actress.” She has also directed, started, and wrote her own video, “Black Girl Yoga,”which  won AfroPunk’s Reel 13 competition. During her free time, Obehi guest speaks at youth summer programs for kid who are interested in pursuing a career in theatre. Obehi currently resided in Boston, Ma.

Her main page is very simple but yet catches the eye. The page is visually stimulating with professionally shot photos, and cheeky written into, “I’m a writer, actress and comedian with two first names.” With the click of a mouse,  Obehi has a subscribe bar where visitors can subscribe to her newsletter The best thing about the site is that everything is not on just one page. This works since it does not confuse visitors.

The website is designed into 5 tabs, Bio, Media, Speaking & teaching, What’s Good, and  Contact.  Simplicity continues throughout her website; there is not too much words/ pictures to confuse or distract people to what is important, the work she does.  She also has links to her instagram, facebook and twitter, which is a great way to promote her social media outlets. Her contact page brings a smile to a reader’s face.

Obehi’s overall tone is very friendly and comedic, which would make sense do to her profession,  anytime she can add her personality into her website she does.


She personalizes it with an adorable photo of her from her childhood and a short message to visitors,

I used to model. Now I write e-mails

Thanks for visiting my site! Shoot me a message and I’ll get back to you in one business day.

All my best,


My take way from Obehi’s site is that simplicity  is always best and to add your personality anyway you can to your website.


Fear of Sleep

There are various reasons as to why this podcast works and is successful.  First of the way the interview style is engaging and flows extremely well.  The interview lack awkward stops or pauses.  At time 24:00 the reporter informers us about Brittney, the daughter of the women with numerous roach infestations, saying,”she told me she got a roach in her ear not once but” and then the Britney voice is inserted saying”twice! Got in my ear twice!” I really enjoyed then way she flowed into the conversation. It was exceutioned well and caused my ears to perk up for some reason.

There are certain points there the interview becomes cringe worthy., which was it’s goal. The description the mother daughter duo gives when describing the cockroaches entering their ear is so vivid I feel as though I am experiencing this gratuitous event.  It felt like my worse nightmare was taking place. The author did well with the descriptive narration.  Instead of saying there were cockroaches  everywhere she said, ” every sticky table has roaches on them waving their doomed autena “23;15. This is a clear example of showing verse telling in it’s best possible form.

The start and end of the post does have this soft somber sounds. When this plays we know that this song plays the segment is ending and another one might follow. The music gives cues  which is important and kind of signals the listen that a change is happening.(25;21)

Personally my takeaway from this will be to not have uncomfortable pauses and to ask the right questions that lead to having stories then yes or no answers


The Dept in a Photo

For my photo I chose to analysis the 5th photo from the ” Paradise Paved”  article. I was mesmerized by this photo for various reasons.  One being that there are three parts of this photo, foreground, middle ground and  of course background.  Though some may think that having three parts might made the picture confusing and lacking in a focal point, I feel that the three parts adds intense dept. In the foreground there is the women and the first half of the trailer. Next the middle ground had the husband with his dog and the last half of the trailer.  In the background there was a trailer parked behind them.  The foreground and middle ground add separation to the couple . This makes me wonder if there is some kind of problem with the two. It seems as though they are in two different parts of the photo. Even though they are in the same photo.

Personally I think that the picture is  beautiful and the items are very expensive and elegant. This photo still is though provoking and confusing. At first I though it was a home but due to the background it seems like it is a trailer. It confuses me and makes me think that his couple might not have their priorities in check.

I think that his photo adds an interesting part to he photo essay. It reminds me of the idea of people trying to, “keep up with the Jones.” This is the  joke that some people try to own nice things that they really can not afford to make it seem as if they have a ton of money. All of the other people in the other photos looking like typical homeless or down and out people while these two are trying to stash their trailer with expensive tables, couches, hardwood floors and other items.  This is an interesting view of poverty that maybe people do not realize.

(Photo  Number 8)


Shameyka McCalman

ORIGIN: Boston, Ma

BEHAVIORS: daydreaming, ballet, and travel

HABITAT: coffee shops, art shows, and any store that has a sale

CHARACTERISTICS: short hair, M.A.C. Make-up, and online shopping

CALL: ” What? No way…”


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