Take Me Out to the Ballgame: Karl Poss
Tucker Max is the author of his biography storyline I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell. He has an awesome website where he provides blog posts, audio interviews, insights to chapters of his books, and several other assets in order to make his name known. He uses a very laid back casual language that shows the dirty mind of a young man who loves to party. He does not hold anything back and recognizes he is an asshole. This is apparent on the homepage of his website which says, “My name is Tucker Max, and I am an asshole” (www.tuckermax.com). He is imaging him self as a do/say whatever I want type of personality. He doesn’t seem to care if people don’t like him. Probably because he knows that a large audience of young promiscuous men will enjoy his work, and thats the audience he wants to attract. The most successful assets of his website is that it is very easy to navigate through, and he provides direct links on his homepage to buy his books, and movie. The layout supports his tone because of his wording in his homepage along with the color scheme of black and red. These colors seem to go hand and hand with dark humor. What I like about his website is his ability to make his personality known with just a simple paragraph.
“Fenway Franks! Get your dogs here!”
I stumbled out of the bar into the streets, bobbing and weaving through the sea of Fenways faithful towards the game. I wasn’t sure if it was the shots of Jameson that had me feeling so sentimental, but something about the Ted Williams statue captured me. This fixation overcame me as I noticed the euphoric history that is stitched into every crevice of this ballpark. The adrenaline that pumps in the atmosphere of this beloved hand-crafted slice of nirvana injects its power into the fans.
He reached out, placing his old ball cap on the young fans pea shaped head. It was a dream come true to the boy, and Ted was happy to elate the youngster.
As I was taken on these photojournalism adventures I was very intrigued by “The Peculiar Beauty of Flotsam”. I found this gallery to be an insightful display of the human disregard to keep the planet beautiful. While studying these photos I noticed that Jens Mortensen made it a point to use a basic white background to make all of the viewers focus base itself around the actual object. This emphasis on his focal point makes this story so great. The photo that particularly stuck out to me was #13, with the assorted beer and soda cans which Jens collected.
The compositional elements that stuck out to me about photo #13 was its balance. It’s symmetry is created by the 3×8 can set up in which Jens placed each can. This gives the image a sense of comfortability, but then I noticed that some of the cans are dented which creates unconventionality within this image.
When I see image #13 I feel it is a great closure to this photo essay. I has its own uniqueness and exemplifies the years of tarnish our nations people have been diminishing our beautiful countries coastlines. This photo works as a timeline because anyone who looks at this knows that the Pepsi can in the top right hasn’t been seen in a store for probably 20+ years, and Bud Light has changed their cans immensely over the years since the one in the bottom right had been guzzled down. I think this image ties Jens entire photo essay together.
I liked this photo because it reminded me of one of my favorite movies This is the End. The movie is about the apocalypse where the actors (Seth Rogan, James Franco, Jonah Hill, and several others) play themselves living in Hollywood when the apocalypse takes place. The scene this photo reminded me of was when they were going though all of the food, drugs, and drinks they had to work with. I have attached the link to this particular scene at the bottom of this blog. The fact that this one picture had the ability to connect with me made me instantly know this would be the one I would write about.
This is the End Supply Scene
The Peculiar Beauty of Flotsam
http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013/10/06/magazine/look-east-river-flotsam.html Continue reading
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