Susan Orlean’s profile on Biff Truesdale the champion show dog boxer is a perfect example of thinking outside the box when it comes to profile writing. The subject of this particular feature is a dog, but Susan gives him personality and makes the reader fall in love with this lively egotistical character. Right from the very first sentence when Orlean proclaims “If I were a bitch, I’d be in love with Biff Truesdale,” I was hooked. Throughout the entire piece Orlean’s incredible use of personification and detail work to truly paint a picture of Biff the person not just Biff the dog. She also does an incredible job of using contrasting themes. Here is Biff the boxer who is a champion show dog and “very much” in charge of his own destiny yet every part of his day is scheduled down to the last detail. Biff is a dog. He would be perfectly happy chasing a ball around all day…the shows make his people happy.
One particular part of the profile that really stood out to me the most was the description of Biff’s face: “His face is turned up and pushed in, and has a dark mask, spongy lips, a wishbone-shaped white blaze, and the earnest and slightly careworn expression of a small-town mayor. Someone once told me that he thought Biff looked a little bit like President Clinton”. This little passage is packed with description and really provides the reader with a mental picture of Biff’s sweet face. Orlean describes a dog’s face with a human’s expression which falls right in line with what is done throughout the entire profile. Biff is made out by his trainer, owners, and friends to be a man in a dog’s body. Even his owners talk about him as if they are truly his parents: “Oh, he has my nature,” Tina said, “I’m very strong-willed, I’m brassy, And Biff is an egotistical. self-centered, selfish person”. Tina takes credit for every aspect of his personality and this does not seem bizarre to her in any way.
Ultimately what I took away from this piece is that a profile doesn’t HAVE to be about a human. Orlean wrote a feature about a dog that is also about the show circuit wrapped in a story about the people that take credit for the accomplishments of their animals while still trying to make it seem like their dogs have decision making skills. It’s fascinating. Biff is interesting on his own and the extra characters just add even more humor, fun, and absurdity to the piece. I also really lover her use of description and quick short sentences followed by long descriptive ones. It moves the story along…pacing it somehow. I hope to master this tool for my own profile…if I can’t have Biff I can at least use him (and Orlean) as a road map.
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