To Gain the Upper Hand, Amazon Disrupts Itself
(NY Times: 12/1/2014)

This title stuck out to me initially because of its contradictory fashion. As an Amazon shopper, I am aware of what it is as a company and business, thus I am immediately intrigued by familiarity with the subject. But to also see it being described in a self destructive manner makes me concerned for the business and also curious as to what might have caused this problem. This title works for this article especially because it explains both what “gaining the upper hand” and “disrupting itself” mean in terms of Amazon as a company and what they are currently experiencing.  Leaving this unspoken in the title, it makes the reader want to read more about the subject.

The Mazerunner
(Film: September 2014)

This is a title of a film that was released in September of this year based off the novel “The Mazerunner” by James Dashner. I had not read the book before seeing the movie title, and the title is what sparked my interest in reading the book. It is both confusing and foreign to its audience because in our society, we do not have things called “mazerunners” and thus are not familiar with them. But it captures both excitement and action in the sense that Maze-runner could be interpreted as someone running in a maze. This title is successful in that it does not fully reveal its definition, but introduces the noun in an exciting way.

Information Doesn’t Want to Be Free
(Boston Globe: 2014)

Information is a very popular concept in modern America, as our lives revolve around it. However, this title takes a different perspective on the side of information – as if it is the equivalent of a person – and its preferences on being free. It is instantly catching because of this unique perspective and also the irony behind “free information”.  Based on the title, one can assume the articles contents as a number of things: and all interesting to the modern reader.

These titles were all successful in the way that they immediately interested a wide variety of readers as well as leaving out information that could spark curiosity. I would like to include information in my title that many people can relate to.