In “Soon There Will Be No Survivors” there is a good blend of texts, audio, and pictures. There was audio and a picture for each person being discussed which I found to be helpful. I also found it helpful how when you slid your mouse to the top of the screen it gave a line directing throughout the entire site. I was like a video scroll guide but for the website. By having a separate section for each person it is an easy way to focus on one person at a time. I found this to be a helpful technique for this site.  I think it made it more person to add a big picture of each person and allowing zoom in and out. The audio was a nice break in the reading and well placed. When reading a long article it is a good strategy to include things to break it up and make it seem less intimidating. People may turn away from an article that looks like a ton of straight reading. I also enjoy how there is a quote for each picture and audio. I did notice though that some of the color choices made it difficult to read.

I learned for my profile piece that I would make a few dancing videos and have them clickable to play and spread out throughout the article such as the audio in the holocaust article. In the Bulgar article there was surveillance that just played nonstop and I found that it was distracting while I was trying to read. I also take from this the idea of breaking up the story into sections to make it flow better and easier to read. I like the idea of an interactive website as I don’t see many of them.