In my reading of “Soon There Will Be No Survivors”, my experience was only enhanced by the introduction of multimedia. From when I first opened the page I had audio clips playing. This threw me for a loop for I didnt expect it and was caught off guard, but I like how that introduced you to the piece’s tone. The construction was pretty simple, an introductory section, then nine short profiles all accompanied by an audio clip.  Hyperlinks were spread across the page. He used them to cite his sources and to bring the reader to helpful secondary articles and audio clips. I enjoyed the subject matter, it felt kind of fresh (as fresh as you can get with the holocaust) and showed the life after the public eye and attention has all but vanished. Overall, the piece flowed very well, excluding the one slide of pictures featuring Simon Goldsmith, where the picture changed so often I could not read the large block of text until the fourth or fifth time it came around. A little annoying. Otherwise, very good photography. If there is anything I would take away from this piece id the integration audio and visual. The idea was to make it seamless and to more of an “experience” than a story. I would like to use audio in a very similar fashion.