All semester we have discussed in depth how to make a story interesting.  Why tell the story? Who cares? What’s the hook? What it comes down to is will the audience be involved or bored?  This is particularly relevant to the art of the profile.  The subject HAS to be intriguing or there will be no audience.  Both Goetz and Casey are interesting and complex characters that appeal to audiences…although maybe for different reasons…however in both cases these interesting traits are brought to light by the abilities of the person doing the profile.  Neither Molly Socha nor Nika Knight rely entirely on their subjects to draw in an audience, but rather use the characters as a jumping off point to create entertaining pieces.

Think about it…what’s SO interesting about a crazy old man feeding baby squirrels or another do-gooder saving the lives of animals?  New York (and really the world) are full of crazy people doing much crazier things than taking care of abandoned baby squirrels without a license.  Hard core animal rights activists hold protests and toss red paint onto people wearing fur…Casey just helps animals get adopted.  The hooks that draw in the audience really come from the talent of the two profilers.  They both embed themselves in the daily routines of Goetz and Casey in order to find those little weird tidbits that make a story truly interesting.  For instance there’s the fact that Goetz was a sensation in the 80’s for shooting four black men on the subway…something that may be well known to New Yorkers but isn’t necessarily well known to the general public.  There is also the fact that Goetz passed the test to be a  certified wild life rehabilitant yet refused to accept the certification.  He does things his way or no way.   Socha does an amazing job of portraying him as this Batman like figure…a dark knight saving the city’s squirrels on his terms…even if it means a few deaths.  It’s fascinating.
Of the two profiles I think Knight had an easier subject to work with.  To start with who doesn’t love animals?  Who doesn’t love someone saving animals?  Casey is an advocate for those without a voice, but he is also so much more.  He is the creator of a community, a hero to his charges, and someone who connects on a deeply personal level with the animals he rescues.  Knight’s example of when the dog puts his paw in Casey’s hand is both heartwarming and intriguing…what is it about a person that causes animals to react in such a way?  Again the story is in the details like the fact that Casey started by adopting reptiles because the assumption of course is that he got into this to help cats and dogs not cold blooded snakes and lizards.  He is a true animal lover who does not discriminate.
Both Goetz and Casey are interesting enough on their own, but it is truly the work of Knight and Socha that make them really fascinating.  This is what I will take away most from these profiles.  ANYONE can find an interesting person to profile, but not just anyone can really pull out an interesting a detailed story.  I want to find these same little anecdotes that aren’t necessarily on the forefront.