I thought both of the articles caught the attention of the reader but in different ways. Both articles displayed somewhat similar structure. Both articles grabbed the attention of the reader in the first two paragraphs by starting off with a side story or background story. The Bernie Goetz article was a little more alarming due to the nature of the content. The content of the Sean Casey article was more heart wrenching by appealing to a softer more emotional side of the reader. The Bernie Goetz article implied more of his flaws, which gave the reader a more uneasy or nervous feeling when reading the content. I believe the content dictates which style and structure the writer is going to use because the writer has to decide how the character is going to be interpreted by the reader. Research is obviously a massive part of a profile article. The research method in the Bernie Goetz article seemed to have more inside looking out perspective. The research method in the Sean Casey article seemed to have a more outside looking in perspective. What I took away from both articles was the way the writers let the story tell itself. They did not have to spoon feed the reader information to get their point across. They let the reader make their own interpretations. I believe that will be a big help when deciding how I want research, style, and structure my profile article. Both articles seemed to have underlining significance on how important a proper character must be to write a compelling profile article. If a writer has the appropriate character and knows how to tailor the structure and style to the profile article character then the article can be extremely interesting and moving.
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