One writer I admire is Jodi Picoult. When you first visit her website, it is a lot of different colors that catch your eye right away, like yellow, blues, greens and oranges. It also shows her book tour dates right on the top of the website. It has pictures of the books that she has written, and quotes on it from Newspapers and other writers that are complimenting her on her writing. Included on her website is an interview with CNN about one of her books. She has information about what some of her books are about, along with quotes from other people’s comments on that particular book. The information is organized very well, having all of the pictures of the books above all of the information about that book and the quotes complimenting it. She has the quotes of people praising herself as a writer outlining the entire website. Her name is bolded and bigger than everything else and is located on the top of the page. She has the most important and upcoming things at the very top, and each other thing goes in chronological order from newest to oldest. The tone is that she is very friendly and a great writer, and is inviting others to start reading her books. The language is all very simple yet intriguing. The thing that is most successful about this site is that it really catches the viewer’s attention, and makes them want to continue to read through the website and read about her books. By doing that, it will make the viewer of the website want to go out and read more of her books. What I can take away from this for my own website is to make sure to make it look organized and fun to catch the viewer’s attention long enough to have them want to continue to stay on my site.