The audio story I chose to analyze was Kindness of Strangers. Right from the beginning the narrator used scripted narration to begin telling his story. At the 45.30 mark, so thirty seconds in, the narrator says one of characters was singing Frank Sinatra which cued one of Frank’s song after he is finished saying his name. From that point on Frank Sinatra songs fill silent voids, play softly within background, or quietly come back in whenever the story referenced Frank Sinatra again. The story uses an interview of the main character that had sung those songs. Frank Sinatra songs would either be playing after he finished or as light background music for when the character was finishing a thought. In my opinion, these pieces work together in sync largely because from the beginning the music is a link to the story, which caught my attention. It gave me a feeling like I was in the story just because I had audio to that was relatable to the story.
What I took away from this piece that could help me with my own audio project are two things. The first one would be the use of music to build suspense or fill silent voids. The suspense can build for my story and can filter out less awkward silences or unnecessary over description. The second would be filling with some sort of music or background sound that relate to the story. This can be helpful because I believe it is easier to build a mental picture for the listener. It can also grasp their attention more instead of having to rely on descriptive story telling.
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