I chose the sixth picture in “Remembering Hardware”. I really enjoyed this picture because I felt as if it gives purpose to such small objects. The first picture on this series of images was captioned how Mr. Kramer knew where all of the nuts and bolts of the store are and can tell you exactly where everything is. To me, this showed how deeply he cares about every little part of the store. By showing the picture of the keys, it reiterated the fact that Mr. Kramer pays attention to all of the little parts that make up the store. These are the “small and obscure” objects that Mr. Kramer makes sure to pay attention to.
This image is a good example of cropping. It only shows the objects, which are many keys. Since keys are small objects, using the cropping method helped to acknowledge that the keys were the important part of the picture, and not anything that was surrounding the keys. This could also be looked at as using background. The keys are on a very plain brown board, which helps keep the main focus on the keys themselves.
This image shows the viewers that art can be made out of the simplest and smallest things. When I look at my keys, I don’t think anything of them. But this image makes it seem like keys are something of more worth. When looking at the picture as one piece of part of the series of images, it also helps to show that when looking at the bigger picture, you can’t forget the small things that help make the bigger picture possible.
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