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for 12/9, your last blog post


Why did you choose the text you did?  What interested you?  How did you react to what Zeynep Tufekci had to say?  How do you react to what your classmates have to say?


  1. I chose the article mainly because of its title, “Social Medias Small Positive Role In Human Relationships”, which basically explains how Social Media doesnt separate and split society and how it actually benefits it. I found it interesting how Tufekci compared television to social media by making the point that when people watch TV, they are completely ignoring everything around them and onlyfocusing on whats being played, whereas social media calls for the same separation from whats around you, but at least with social media one separates themselve with others since many people are involved. My interpretation of the article was that it accurately portrays the advantages of social media while also pointing out the holes in the negative views.

    • I also thought the comparison of TV and social medias was very effective. It is something you don’t necessarily think of, but in all reality, TV can be just as distracting as a cellphone. I think this article introduces the idea that you can think cellphones are bad, but at least on a cellphone you’re connecting with other people, as opposed to shutting people out and becoming absorbed in TV.

  2. I chose the article because after reading about the extremely negative effects of social media for the last blog post, I felt the need to educate myself on the positives. I really liked how social medias were described when she says that they are an “emerging attempt by people everywhere to connect with *each other* in the face of all the obstacles that modernity imposes on our lives: suburbanization that isolates us from each other, long working-hours and commutes that are required to make ends meet, the global migration that scatters families across the globe, the military-industrial-consumption machine that drives so many key decisions” For some reason when you put all the benefits of social media together, you almost forget all the negative ones we read about with Kiki Kannibal. I also think it’s important to note her realization that people that are staring at their phones aren’t doing a bad thing, but rather are staying in touch with people they care about. This is a rational I never really thought of, and I’ve gained a new appreciation for technology after reading this article. I also never thought about other distractions, not even dealing with technology, that Zeynep Tufekci mentions. The quote “At least, if people are texting, they are texting a human being. Similarly, I doubt that anyone has not seen how a person can open the newspaper at the kitchen table to block out conversation” really made me think because it changes the misconception that technology is the worst distraction. She introduces new ideas that I didn’t think of before, and it’s definitely a good article to change your point of view.

    • I agree. I didn’t realize the positive aspects to social media until I read Tufekci’s article. I feel that she puts everything into perspective and highlights the fact that social media is a form of ‘communication’. Sure, it’s not the face-to-face kind that we’re always associating ourselves with, but essentially we are still talking with people and developing relationships with the use of technology.

      • I agree that from my last blog I had such a negative outcome of social media however, after reading this article I have much more of a positive income of social media because I feel that do to our advanced technology we are able to stay connected in a positive position longest we do not abuse the use of technology. People are able to step out of their comfort zone and communicate with those they would not normally.

  3. I chose the article because I am deeply interested in the ways in which, people act and how they act towards others. There’re many different things that consume our everyday lives that it is hard to keep up. So, with the numerous distractions that do consume our lives, it is interesting discovering ways in which we maintain human relationship. I was shocked after I read Zeynep Tufekci because I actually agreed with everything that she said about social media being a good thing which reshaped my views on social media as a whole. Tufekci says that social media is a good thing because it still allows individuals to communicate with people in some way. She emphasizes the fact that when people go on social websites, they’re actually talking to people on the internet (not robots). The use of online communication helps people keep in tough and it is allowing people to use a different form of communicating without the awkwardness/pressure to have a face-to-face conversation. Tufekci emphasizes that not all people enjoy in person introductions and the internet eliminates all the stress or expectations to keep a person interested or make a person like you. I was surprised by how many people felt the same way I do. We all can agree that the previous article we read was extremely negative and it only made you think of the reasons for why social media is dangerous to the mental development of humans. Now, we can all agree that social media isn’t perfect and people can abuse their access to the internet, but there’re also many cases were social media extends communication in a way that many can enjoy.

    • Although I didn’t read the article, I find it strange that Tufekci feels so positively about social media. In the video she says that because of social media in digital awareness campaigns, they are starting the lack depth because people are not physically meeting constantly and sharing ideas to develop bonds. Tufecki does not bash social media in the TED TALK and actually agrees that it can be helpful for organizing but she does fully blame it for making today’s movements less effective in the long term and encourages people to start meeting up again to increase individual capacity.

    • I definitely agree that social media can be beneficial. There are friends who went to college in a different state and I like social media because I can see how they’re doing and keep in touch. That’s kinda awesome. I think that it’s good for people who don’t know how to be social in person, but maybe without technology thy could be more personable in person?? We won’t really know. Maybe social media really encourages people to not be sociable in person. I don’t believe that social media makes people more communicative offline, that’s an odd statistic to me considering how many articles we’ve read saying that social media and technology keep people from relationships. I guess we won’t know how technology really effects us anymore because everyone has it.

  4. I personally chose to read the article, by Zeynep Tufekci, “Social Media’s Small, Positive Role in Human Relationships” because I feel that I only read the negative side of social media when I read “Kiki Kannibal: The Girl Who Played With Fire” by Sabrina Rubin Erdely. What I learned from this article was that social media allows us to stay connected with our families across states. Social media allows people to step out of their comfort zone and talk to people that they normally would never face to face. Social media has become beneficial to those who have disabilities. For example, I asked my cousin how she felt about social media because after her car accident shes unable to drive and travel as much as she would like too. Her response was positive towards social media, she said that thank god for social media because if it weren’t for the advance technology of today’s generations her life would be pretty boring. She said, do to our advanced technology she is able to pursue her education online, she’s able to stay connected with her family and friends. According to Tufekci, “I’ve heard of many similar stories from people with disabilities: Social media allow them to connect in a world which does not otherwise allow them easy access.” I agree much with his statement after reading his article and talking to my cousin that no matter what stable we are in social media allows us to stay connected with the world all around. It entitles us communicate at a more of a deeper and serious level to whereas, we would not otherwise in some cases. After reading Tufekci article, I’m surprised to see my positive reaction towards social media because of today’s advanced technology we are able to benefit in a positive way. Technology is good to have because it opens doors to the future but it is important to understand that we must use it responsibly.

  5. When I had to choose which text to write about, I didn’t really have much of a preference; I just picked one. As I began reading, I started to become very interested in how Tufeki was going to address human relationships in this day and age. At first, I was kinda thrown off by how extreme he got when he started talking about bots taking over human activities. It was something I am use to hearing , but I didn’t expect him to react the way he did. Then he began to go into depth about how if we were to be replaced in the areas that make us human, it could possibly lead to a dull future. But all, all of a sudden, he mentioned that social media is a desperate act to remain connected to people around the world. He continues on by basically saying that in a way we need social media to continue to be human. Without it, it could cause less interaction among people because we live in such a secluded world as is. I agreed with each of his points. They’re pretty valid and understandable. I just didn’t expect him to take such a turn.

    • I agree with your statement about how social media is needed in order for us to remain human. As I said in my response, social media allows me to communicate with friends that are outside of the country. With so much travel going on for personal and business reasons, friends and families are constantly having to be apart from one another. A friend of mine’s dad works in france while the rest of his family lives in the United States. If it wasn’t for social media it would be very hard to keep up to date with what was going on in eachother’s lives without talking on the phone each and every day; something that really is just not possible in today’s world.

  6. I picked the TED TALK video by Tufekci because I thought about the “STOP KONY” awareness campaign of Facebook and the “#BlackLivesMatter” campaign on Twitter because I found them to dwindle in effectiveness and was interested in hearing about Tufekci’s thoughts on social media and its impact on campaigns. In the video Tufekci claimed social media makes it easier for people to mobilize and participate but does not necessarily make it easier to achieve common goals. In the video she compares the effectiveness of movements from the past such as the Civil Rights Movement, which took a lot of combined effort and meetings between participants in order to mobilize the movement and gather crowds for speeches (individual capacity) and movements today that quickly gather participants online because they can easily connect with social movement but do not essentially have communication and meetings between members because of the barrier of technology. I agreed with Tufecki’s points because I have witnessed movements that have gathered a lot of awareness online such as the Paris Bombings and how many people on Facebook added the colors of France to their profile pictures with a click of a button to show support but that was literally it. On the other hand the ASL Ice Bucket Challenge which was also on social media did manage to make a longterm impact not only by spreading awes but my money donations to the cause that people were able to do online, because raising awes and money were the goals. Tefekci did mention in her TED TALK however that although depth is lost with digital awes, connections between participants can still be made although the numbers are much less than non-digital movements.

  7. I decided to watch the video because it was a story that I wasn’t familiar with and was interested to see what it was going to be about since the title got my attention. It was crazy to me that a hugely recognized and respected magazine like Rolling Stone could have so carelessly published this article. The fact that the article didn’t interview anybody else or take other perspectives/possibilities into consideration speaks for itself about the credibility of this girl, Jackie, who was allegedly r*ped by 7 fraternity members. This entire situation calls into question all r*pe accounts, which is a terrible thing because it’s hard enough to go through something like that and then speak up about what happened, and having your honesty questioned because of a false story is just terrible. I agree with the journalist in the video who said that maybe part of the reason this article was published even though it skipped so many crucial steps was because it’s awkward to question a girl in a situation like this and look like a bad person not believing them.

  8. I choose the article “Social Media’s Small Positive Role in Human Relationships” because for the majority of the semester we have been talking about all the negatives associated with Social media outlets. Of course technology has helped us advance as a society and with every good thing there are going to be some bad things. Learning to use technology and social media in the right ways can only benefit someone in today’s society. Even if you think social media is bad and you don’t want to participate in it at all, taking the time to understand how it works and how it can benefit people is important. The article talks about how social media is allowing us to stay in contact with those who are far away. Personally if it wasn’t for social media I would have a hard time communicating with friends I grew up with who now live abroad. I could easily see myself gradually losing touch with these people if it wasn’t for Facebook and other forms of social media that allow us to stay in touch and remain good friends.

  9. I chose the article because I was interested in see what Turfecki had to say about social media. I was surprised and intirgued by what he had to say. It was interesting to read his thoughts on how commutes, long working hours, television, and even migration are the most areas where we face lonliness, whereas social media is actually an “attempt” to connect and fight said lonliness. I’m not sure if all these areas all contribute to this, but i do agree that something like TV defenitely had a bad impact. It is true that social media has a positive side to connections, building relationships, and conversations. However, I don’t believe we should place such powerful attention and turn a blind eye to the fact that it does have negative impact. While most people, even young people, can use it to keep in contact or find new acquaintances that have similaer interests on social media, some of those same people have issues, even addictions, when you ask them to refrain from using their technology and social media.

  10. One reason I chose the article is because in another one of my classes I am reading an article Tufekci mentioned called, “Facebook Is Making Us Lonely”. So it was interesting to read someone’s views who does not agree with that article. Tefekci’s writing seemed very passionate and almost emotional. To me she seems way too excited about this small positive role of social media. I personally agree that social media can be good, but I don’t think it’s all that great. When she talked about how some people feel more comfortable online than offline and that making social interactions online is easier for them, I understand. Some people don’t feel comfortable face-to-face, but they do need to learn. Technology is not life, and the fact that people are always looking at their phones connecting with people around the world, and not just in their geographically areas does have a downside. People don’t see what’s around them, who is around them. People do not live their lives, they live their virtual lives. I suppose in our society with the need for new and better technology the lines between virtual lives and “real” lives is blurred.

  11. In tufekci’s article on social media, I found it interesting to finally see a very positive standpoint on social media. I liked that it was positive but I have to disagree with the positivity of social media to that extent. While yes the internet is good for people who can only be sociable online or for people who are communicating with distant people, it is also really negative. When tufekci talks about the robots that are planning on taking care of kids with autism, I find that alarming not helpful. People with disabilities need that human interaction to be okay. Human constant is vital simply to our existence. Without human interaction we would not be who we are today. I read an article in one of my other classes and in this article there was a study done on babies. In this study the babies were left with the basic care like feeding and sleeping but here was no nurturing. There was a lack of human connection and because of this most of the babies ended up dying. This shows that even with the basic needs met, humans need other humans to survive. So while yes, a social media can be good, there are ways that technology shouldn’t be taking over our lives. How many followers should not be more important than how much time you spend with your friends and family. Social media can be great for communicating, but it shouldn’t be the only way of communication humans have.

  12. The biggest reason i chose Tufeckis article is because he focused mainly on positive viewpoints of social media. He shows how people can reach others they haven’t seen by using social media. He also doesn’t show the downsides of social media such as bullying which has become a major downfall for social media. It was very interesting to read what he said about how social media is a way for people to get away from loneliness. I agree and disagree with him since i dont feel that online interaction is not truly interacting. I feel that you need a face to face interaction for it be an actual interaction. Online interaction has no emotion and is often hard to even keep a conversation going online. Also when people try to fight lonliness online and have thousands of followers that they have never met will untimately crush them when they begin to think about their life.

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