Blog post: What does “Kiki Kannibal” demonstrate about the risks and rewards of social networking? Is it a fair portrayal of those risks and rewards? What else should be considered?
Blog reply: Reply to one classmate’s post.
November 30, 2015 | 32 Comments
Blog post: What does “Kiki Kannibal” demonstrate about the risks and rewards of social networking? Is it a fair portrayal of those risks and rewards? What else should be considered?
Blog reply: Reply to one classmate’s post.
December 1, 2015 at 11:44 am
Kiki’s story demonstrates a major problem with technology. Clearly the risk of using social medias is highlighted by her experiences. Her whole life, and her family’s whole life is now ruined, all because of a website. It also points out the idea that not being yourself on the internet, and having the opportunity to portray yourself as a totally different person can be good for you when you’re facing hard times in the real world. But it is clear that it is certainly not worth it in this case. You can pretend to be someone you’re not, but you have to be ready to face the consequences that the person you’re trying to be perceived as will face. The article seems to side with the fact that this kind of technology is always negative, but I think the way that Kiki uses it warrants the articles tone and stance. You could consider the good that it did for her when she was being bullied at school, but all the damage that it caused would have to be considered as well. I don’t think it would be easy to point out the benefits of technology in this specific case, but it is certainly a good example of just how bad misusing technology can be.
December 2, 2015 at 12:23 am
I definitely agree. This story did have a very negative stance because it was such an awful misuse of technology on Kiki’s behalf. Quite honestly I have trouble not placing a little bit of blame on her. I find it difficult to believe that she had no desire to get off of the internet after people were threatening to kill her and her loved ones. It seems to me that Kiki is just ave because honestly how many of us would jeopardize our loved ones and our own safety for some internet fame? I think that because she was so young when she was acting and dressing the way that she was, it was difficult for people not to be opinionated about it. The internet opens full exposure to opinions being posted and people don’t care if they’re hurtful or not. The internet doesn’t make us personable no matter what stories we tell or pictures we post and that’s why I think that the accounts Kiki created were a bad idea in the first place. I am definitely not saying it was all of her fault, but realistically we live in an age where people can say anything that they want without consequences and that’s not a good thing I will admit, but at the same time I don’t see the point of opening yourself up to that sort of thing. I don’t know it all just seemed like a story told by a young girl afraid to be alone and just used technology in a very negative way to try and find happiness.
December 2, 2015 at 3:50 pm
I agree with your opinion of how Kiki was certainly not ready to face the consequences. She was so caught up in receiving positive attention that she completely subsided the thought of any negative comments ever appearing. In fact, she was so drowned by the infection of the random people that she had never actually met, that she even ignored and payed no attention to the first rude comments that started appearing. I also agree how the article is so biased towards social networks being bad, when in many cases, social networks do come quite in handy. I see how the article was trying to portray how Kiki used the internet in such a wrong way, but I think that it could have taken a less abrasive approach toward social media.
December 2, 2015 at 4:52 pm
What was the good technology did for Kiki at school? Providing her an escape from reality? I don’t really understand what you mean by that because I feel like the internet allowed her bullies to continue to torment her especially since they knew she lived near them.
December 2, 2015 at 12:17 am
Kiki’s story definitely exemplifies the way that technology can be used in a negative way. Initially, Kiki was looking to the internet for acceptance and while she found herself being accepted at first, there came people who hated her and wanted to tear her down. False accusations were made about her constantly. No one that followed her knew what she was really like, what she had really endured. The internet is not at all a private place, any information can be found about another person so easily and when Kiki went to go find acceptance online instead she endangered her whole family. Kiki said that she did find acceptance in the friends that followed her, but from what we read in this story it looks like the bay outweighs the good. By the end of the story Kiki says that her whole family is afraid to leave the house and they are basically bankrupt from having to leave so soon because of the threats Kiki was receiving. What is interesting is the end when Kiki says that no one really knows her, that she still feels empty inside regardless of her followers that love and support her, is a bit astonishing to me because she basically ruined her own life to try to find acceptance. She always said that she didn’t want to get rid of her internet accounts because she didn’t want the bullies to win, but what that battle really worth losing everything in life? I don’t think it is. Technology can be great and you can find acceptance in it, but it’s not usually in places like Myspace or Facebook and once it’s being abused that badly, there’s no turning back. Honestly I believe that Kiki just should have given the internet up a long time ago because honestly what was she really proving? I don’t think she gained anything from the experience and by the end of the story it still seems to me that she is still a naive girl looking for love in a place where it doesn’t exist. Relationships cannot be only electronic and this was a very negative example of a person growing up in the digital generation. It’s not as bad as it’s cracked up to be as long as you don’t indulge yourself into the drama of it all, like Kiki did.
December 2, 2015 at 1:37 pm
I agree with your statement that Kiki should have given up the internet a long time ago because there really was no advantage to continuing her videos and posts. You made really good points about her feeling empty regardless of the fans she had, which also connects to the idea of giving up the internet because she wasn’t gaining anything genuine from it. Everything she did on her computer just led to a huge problem. I also think her parents should have stepped in instead of encouraging Kiki to surround herself with the harassment she was getting online. There was no benefit to her using technology at a certain point and the fact that she didn’t stop ultimately led to the destruction of her and her family’s life.
December 2, 2015 at 3:34 pm
In Kiki’s article, she clearly demonstrates how there are far less rewards then risks when using social networking. When she first turned to the internet, it was to gain friends while avoiding face to face interaction, which she found to be completely beneficial as it brought a lot of attention to her from people that she didn’t know, who she believed to be her “friends”. To her, this was a huge reward, by seeing what others thought about her and by knowing that people were actually thinking about her, it gave her a false sense of friendship with people that she had never actually met. As that may be a reward to her, I considerate it a huge negative because even though she is getting the attention of other people, she was only getting that attention because of the things she was posting, which is the only reason people had liked her, which I consider to be a risk in itself. Another fair portrayal of the risk of social media were the terrible remarks that she was also receiving from her posts. Her slanderers exemplified how easy it is to hide behind a computer and say whatever rude opinions come to mind.
December 2, 2015 at 10:31 pm
I agree with your statement about how the friends she was making online was really a bad thing for her to be doing. She was developing relationships with people who only knew her from what she was posting and thus they were not able even truly know her. Any real friend that I have ever had has known the things I want them to know about me plus some of the things that they find out on their own that I may not want them to know. That’s what makes up a true friendship, not just having similar interests online.
December 2, 2015 at 4:49 pm
I don’t believe Kiki Kannibal’s story was an accurate portrayal of the Digital Generation and the pros and cons of technology because her story included so many extremes. Her story portrayed how people gain confidence and self worth from social media, how getting bullied online is common with technology, the dangers underage youth face with online predators, the ability to adopt an online personas, and the loss of privacy one can face becoming famous on the internet. One of the main factors in Kiki’s story however was the fact that she became an internet celebrity and was able to gain so many followers when the average teen does not. It is very rare that one will become an internet sensation and therefore will not be put in a pedestal to be bullied and ridiculed. Kiki was also homeschooled, making her more unlike the average teen so she relied on technology to interact with others, while majority of the youth are forced to attend school and interact with others normally. Finally, I believe Kiki was not disciplined enough by her parents and was allowed to continue going on social media after her house was vandalized and she received death threats. Personally my parents would not have allowed the situation to escalate and I would have lost my internet privileges.
December 2, 2015 at 9:59 pm
When first reading this article I thought her parents were kind of awesome. How they let their children express themselves. I thought it was great that Kristen’s Mother went with her to meet Danny, most parents just say not to meet people online. I also think it was right to make Danny Leave. After the Danny situation I do agree they should have done something more. Maybe not taken all of her internet access away because this wasn’t her fault. I do think they should have limited it, supervised it more, or been way more involved with her online life. One thing I find disturbing about this article is how her parents though it was “cute” or “adorable” when she danced to Mr.Roboto and a lot of her bra was showing. I don’t understand how any parent would think that was okay to let their young teen post that online.
December 2, 2015 at 10:09 pm
I agree with your comment Meghan I also believe that Kiki was not disciplined enough and that her parents could have took stand by not allowing her to continue using the network. The fact that they allowed her it only made the situation to escalate for the worse. When using social media we have to be highly cautious at all times cause we will never truly know who that other person is on the other end as scary as that sounds.
December 2, 2015 at 11:33 pm
I completely agree with you, especially on the lack of discipline portion. As a parent, you should be teaching your children the difference between right and wrong. At her age, she really shouldn’t have been presenting herself the way she did. Her parents saw it as a way to let her express herself… In what way is that expressing herself? I recall her saying that the person she was putting online really wasn’t her. Not to mention, what parent allows their child (emphasis on child) to date an 18 year old. There’s a certain level of responsibility bestowed upon all parents, but Cathy and her husband didn’t seem to meet those standards when it came to parenting/ protecting their family.
December 2, 2015 at 9:44 pm
I think this article demonstrates how social networks and online interactions can go very badly, it also shows how online interactions can help people. One thing I would have liked to read more about if maybe Kristen was addicted to the internet, statistics on how many young kids are. It makes me wondering what the internet is actually doing to our brains, and our ego’s. This article shows that nothing is private online, anyone who is good with technology can find out anything about you. The risks of putting yourself out there on the internet in some cases can lead to death. Meeting people online can be dangerous, and scary. I think people need to be aware of these dangers. Many people have the mentality that something like what happened to Kristen couldn’t happen to them, “oh it won’t happen to me”. This girl’s story shows it can happen to anyone. When she talked about how happy she was online, it makes sense. Many people get ego-boosts, or a self confidence boost from how many likes they get, or how many people talk to them. If this never happens face to face, it can be flattering. Why would you want to stop if people like you? Or you think they like you, but you don’t really know.
December 2, 2015 at 9:53 pm
Kiki story focused on major problems that she faced with technology. She leaned toward social network for friends and to be accepted as the new girl Kiki Kannibal who went from being Kirsten Ostrengas. Kiki created this false self to be accepted because she never felt the urge of acceptance in person when she was attending public school. When she joined MySpace she felt extremely accepted almost like rewarded by the amount of request and likes she began to receive. However, soon she noticed that not everyone whom she believed wanted to be her friend had the best interest in her post and photos by the negative comments and false profiles. Kiki wanted to stick around on social network because she felt she had to prove a point but not knowing that staying around would put herself and her family at risk. I believe that Kiki was lost young girl who felt lonely and leaned to social network for the wrong reasons. I’m not sure why she wanted to stay on social media by the amount of threats she received. The amount of risk she put herself and her life. I guess, I’m asking that is it really important to stay around on social media to prove a point when your at risk? I feel that her parents should have to took stand by not allowing her to continue using social network along time ago. As a parents they could have prevent the situation from escalating. Kiki could have made real friends face to face but I feel she so comfortable of having friends on social network. She said that she was young and naive but I believe shes still confused and innocent.
December 2, 2015 at 10:07 pm
Kiki Kannibal demonstrates the risks and rewards of operating a social media website. Kiki started using Myspace as a way to communicate with others to gain friends. She wanted to be popular and on her way to popularity she came to close to people on the website that she never met in person besides her rapist boyfriend. The risk of social media is putting out too much information resulting in people threatening her. Another risk is that people will bully you over the internet which deeply impacted Kiki. Finally a last risk is that people will create false accusations about you and put it onto the internet which can create problems for people. Some rewards of Social media is connecting with people of the same interests from around the world. Another reward is getting different perspectives of the world and also understanding what is going on in peoples lives. I do not feel that Kiki portrays what the true risks and rewards of social media are. Kiki set herself up by providing information and becoming too obsessed with posting everything she did. She made reasons for people to hate her and to threaten her and her families lives. Kiki wanted to be popular so bad that she kept going back to the social media after she already was burned by social media before. If she learned from her mistakes then we probably wouldn’t be talking about Kiki Kannibal anymore.
December 2, 2015 at 10:28 pm
I think that this article was a fair portrayal of the risk rewards of social networking. Although it came with incredibly horrible downsides in Kiki’s case, the internet networking also allowed her to try and stand up to the bullying she had been experiencing her entire life. This article shows just how wide the internet goes and how many different types of people know how to use it to their advantage. No matter what she was posting or streaming online, all of it could be saved and viewed by anyone regardless of their age. In her case, people were taking advantage of her young age and apparent sexuality and were able to use the internet to communicate with her even though they were far older than her. I think that we have to consider that she continued to post things online and even though that was a sign of strength of not backing down, she could have avoided much of what of the negative attention she was getting by simply becoming less public online. Sometimes the negatives can really outweigh any positives as in Kiki’s case.
December 2, 2015 at 11:59 pm
In my opinion, the story of “Kiki Kannibal” demonstrated the dark side of social networking. This story revealed all that can/does occur with many people’s lives. In this case, I feel as if Kirsten put herself in a position where she was left vulnerable to unfavorable comments. She was bullied, harassed (sexually, verbally, and physically), used, threatened, and so on. The only benefit she received from social networking, was the chance to be apart of a community. In her previous home before “Kiki Kannibal”, she was subjected to racial remarks and bullied to a point where she soon began homeschooling. This was an opportunity for herself to get out there and socialize. In my opinion though, she did it in an untasteful way that led to an untasteful outcome. In all honesty, I don’t know if it really is a fair portrayal of the risks and rewards of social networking. Something else that should have been considered was her parent’s actual parenting skills. They should’ve done more to prevent all that had happened, but it seemed to have been overlooked and more of the article was focused on all that happened to her because of her life choices and the society we currently live in.
December 3, 2015 at 12:10 am
“In my opinion though, she did it in an untasteful way that led to an untasteful outcome.” I really like the way you said this and agree wholeheartedly. Not that anybody deserves to be bullied or threatened or anything of that nature, I’m not perpetuating that I promise, but there were so many other routes that she could have taken that would have lead to much more positive outcomes.
December 3, 2015 at 12:00 am
Although it’s a known fact that there are both positives and negatives to social media and the Internet in general, I don’t think this particular story can be used as a fair baseline to represent the cyber world overall. This is one of those horrific worst-case scenario situations that can’t be considered a norm. In my opinion, the Internet is much more beneficial than it is a detrimental since it allows for instantaneous access of information and the ability to communicate with people across the world; however, I strong feel for Kiki. It’s crazy how her outlet, her way of expressing herself in attempt to forget about the less accepting world around her, could be the cause of such psychological trauma and hurt. It’s scary how just trying to make new friends online can result in something this inhumane. It depicts how little privacy you really have and how careful you need to be when it comes to meeting face to face with these so-called friends. A quote that stood out to me from the article was, “She had yet to understand what a lot of us don’t comprehend: that our virtual lives can take on their own momentum, rippling outward with real-life consequences we can neither predict nor control.” I feel as though that’s a powerful way to describe the way social media can take control.
December 3, 2015 at 12:49 am
I agree with you about this story not being able to be used as a fair baseline to just social media. A situation like this is not uncommon, but at the same time it is not seen every day by everyone. This happened and probably could have been stopped simply by avoiding social media when things got bad, but she liked it since she got away from her life outside of the computer which was a life of bullying.
December 3, 2015 at 12:44 am
I believe that Kiki Kannibal demonstrates that there are way too many risks involved with social networking. She had went on social media to escape her real life which was a life of being bullied every single day. When she finally got on social media, it was no better. Instead of just being bullied, she was being harassed in more ways than one. She took social media as a way to escape her life outside of social media. It kind of still confused me why she stayed on social media after the fact of the whole Danny situation. Before that, he was the only reason why she stayed on, but after that she did not really have a reason to stay online. It just escalated after that into a much worse situation. I think this is a fair portrayal of the risks more than the rewards because I did not really see any rewards that came out of this. Maybe the reward is that she lived this experience so that not many other people need to.
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