Think back to the Muñoz reading where his stepfather accepts the “anglicized,” or English, version of his name. In your opinion, would Yoshino consider Antonio’s acceptance of the name “Tony” to be an act of “covering”? Why or why not? Please reference specific passages from both the Muñoz and Yoshino texts to support your opinion.
Watch the Yoshino video posted on Blackboard in the Course Materials and the Weekly Sessions folders (Week 3). What is he saying here about the effect of keeping secrets in our public lives, such as at work or in school? Do you agree that it limits our “human flourishing” to keep some things private? Please reference specific passages from the Yoshino video and/or the reading to support your position.
September 21, 2015 at 11:49 pm
When a person is forced to retain their personal lives I believe it can cause serious psychological problems. It can change who they truly are and what their personality actually is. By hiding your true identity it adds an extra problem to your life which can affect your learning or your work, simply because your more distracted by hiding your personality instead of focusing on the task at hand. People shouldn’t have to hide who they are, even though it may help them in society they shouldn’t hide what’s true, by hiding their identities they are only making society worse by complying with stereotypes.
September 22, 2015 at 12:58 am
I defenitely do think Yoshino would consider Antonio changing his name to Tony to be an act of covering. He makes it very clear that by doing that or allowing someone to do that is conforming to someone esle’s ideas. He gives a few examples in his article in regards to Emilio Estevez and his son Charlie, along with others. He would also believe that this would be assimilation in one of its darkest forms because it would be imposing on Antonio’s human rights to a fair wage and equal opputunity being hindered because of his name.
September 22, 2015 at 9:22 pm
Would Yoshino consider Antonio’s acceptance of the name “Tony” to be an act of “covering”? Yes definitely, why? When reading Munoz article he mentioned his stepfather accept his name to Tony the English version name, Tony felt that gave him more opportunity to get more fieldwork. According to Yoshino that’s covering up because you are allowing society to see you differently than your “true self” even though when one is “only” changing his/her name. For example, Yoshino mentioned Ramon Estevez who had also changed his name to Martin Sheen to cover up his ethnicity. Sheen felt that he needed to change his name so that people could pronounce and connect with him in his work on page 552. I my opinion, both Antonio and Ramon are hiding their true identity for job opportunity’s and according to Yoshino that would be assimilation and “false self”.
September 22, 2015 at 10:15 pm
After re-reading both pieces, I would say that Yoshino would most definitely agree with the opinion that changing your name from Antonio to Tony is considered covering. Yoshino found the whole idea of concealing information about yourself in order to blend in to your surroundings to be a problem in today’s society. In fact, he makes mention of Ramon Estevez and the idea of changing your name for those around you. Yoshino believes that your name is relevant to who you are and you shouldn’t go out of your way to change it for ignorant people that cannot accept it.
September 23, 2015 at 2:02 am
After watching the Yoshino video what he talks about the effect of keeping secrets in our public lives, such as at work or in school, Yoshino is saying that most people do it. Yoshino talks about the high percentage of people in the LGBT community, and the black community. Yoshino also references how high the percentage of covering exists among white men. At the end of the video when Yoshino says, “the moment that you can say, you do this too and wouldn’t it be a better work place if you didn’t have to do this either, ….. that’s when you get buy-in and that’s when the organization moves forward.” I feel Yoshino is saying until people don’t have to cover society will not flourish.
I disagree it limits our “human flourishing” to keep some things private because we all have secrets. Whether they are small or large they are “private,” somethings do not need to be shared with others.
September 23, 2015 at 2:45 pm
In the video, Yoshino mainly talks about the difference between covering and passing and how by including everyone in the covering issue we can begin to move forward and stop having to cover ourselves in the workplace. By keeping secrets in our public lives, we suffer silently and the effects are truly detrimental to our identities or “sense of self” in order to fit in with the mainstream. I am strongly opposed to covering as I can admit it prevents me from freely being myself and talking about issues in my life to others because it is not socially acceptable and prevents me from getting advice out of fear of being judged harshly. As stated by Yoshino, although president Roosevelt, was a disabled man, he made sure he was seated before his cabinet in order to cover his disability. In doing so, the president tried to fit the image of a conventional president which must have had an impact on his self-esteem, for having to go out of his way to hide his disability, even though it was known. Also, I found Yoshino’s comment regarding the inclusion of white males into the covering issue very important because they are often left out of discussions and expected to fix everything when they themselves cover too. I agree that by getting all people involved we will progress and be able to “build a bridge” over covering in the workplace and at schools.
September 23, 2015 at 3:39 pm
I would agree that Yoshino would consider Antonio’s acceptance of the name Tony to be covering. Although it’s entirely understood why he would modify his name, it doesn’t change the fact that he’s hiding or “covering” a key part of his identity to seem more mainstream in society. Yoshino refers to covering as the “hidden assault on our civil rights” and I feel like that’s an accurate description- it’s disgusting that society has allowed these type of prejudices, whether they’re subconscious or not, to be such a big deal and such a hindrance to varying cultures that they have to “pretend themselves away” when it comes to searching for opportunities.
September 23, 2015 at 4:31 pm
I would say that Yoshino would consider changing the name Antonio to tony as an act of covering. Yoshino describes covering as “to town down a disfavored identity to fit into the mainstream.” The reason Antonio changed his name to Tony is because “Becoming Tony gave him a measure of access as he struggled to learn English and get more fieldwork.” So the reason Antonio changed his name is so he could fit in more with society to find work.
September 23, 2015 at 4:48 pm
I believe Yoshino would consider Antonio using the name Tony as “covering”. Munoz specifically said ” Tony gave him a measure of access as he struggled to learn English and get more fieldwork”. I think “measure of access” means he was more accpeted, maybe giving him more opportunities than if he used his full name, Antonio. According to Yoshino “To cover is to tone down a disfavored identify to fit into the mainstream”. That is exactly what Munoz’s stepfather did, used the name Tony, instead of Antonio. It gave him a small advantage while he was learning English and looking for work. He “toned down” his name to ” fit into the mainstream “.
September 23, 2015 at 5:03 pm
After watching the video I feel as if Yoshino has broken down this problem better than anything I have heard previously. Often we think of covering, as a way to seem more “White American” but there is so much more to that. Yoshino talks about how all-different types of people have to go out in their public lives with a secret because they are afraid that their secret will affect how others perceive them. He mentions that people lose their “sense of self”(2:13), and that at least 70% of people felt as if their covering had a negative effect on their lives. I think that if someone day in and day out has to hide a significant part about their lives in order to get or keep a job, really does hurt how much a human can flourish. They are constantly tied down mentally to try and keep the secret, never able to fully put their attention on something else. This might discourage someone so much that they don’t want to try and reach for a promotion, or even just stop working as well as they could. This is an issue companies have to solve if they want more of their employees to improve, thus improving the company as a whole.
September 23, 2015 at 5:22 pm
Yoshino would consider Antonio’s acceptance of the name “Tony” to be an act of covering. Yoshino clearly stated that covering is ” to tone down a disfavored identity to fit into the mainstream” (p.552). He would argue that Antonio is allowing himself to succumb to the pressures of fitting in with societies view on who he should be. Yoshino would feel that Antonio is willingly allowing society to reshape his identity. Munoz’s stepfather would disagree with Yoshino’s opinion. Munoz said ” the erasure of his name was about deference and subservience” (p.309). Even though Munoz’s stepfather was forced into becoming subservient, he did it with the intentions of getting something in return (a job). Overall, Yoshino has a solid point on identities and how everyone should be allowed to express themselves in anyway they choose, but the reality of it is that we live in a world where that can not happen 110% of the time. It was Yoshino that also said “the stereotypes will never go away” (p.557). If he feels that people will continue to be judgmental, then how can he expect for things like “covering” to not exist?
September 23, 2015 at 5:24 pm
I believe that Yoshino is saying that keeping secrets in our public lives, such as work or in school is a practice of covering which more often than not Yoshino says that the people who cover also suffer a detrimental damage to their sense of self. I agree that it limits our “human flourishing” to keep some things private because often those things that people have to keep private are details that they feel would take them out of the “normal” group, yoshino says that he also sees instances where people believe that the things that a person cannot change about them should not have to be covered but the other things are stuff that a person should just bear the burden of secrecy.
September 23, 2015 at 7:06 pm
Changing his name from Antonio to Tony would most definitely be considered covering by Yoshino. Munoz talks about losing culture and identity in order to conform to today’s society in order to fit in and have an easier life. By changing his name it was definitely easier for Antonio because it helped him get a job and further fall into the category of acceptance. Yoshino believes that covering is when you take a part of yourself and change it to make your life easier and help you to be accepted. That is exactly what Antonio did and it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but to Yoshino it is basically like shaming your inheritance. Yoshino believes that we have a choice in covering something up about ourselves. He says that he chose to cover up that he was gay for a long time because it was easier but that he wasn’t truly himself because of it. By letting society rule your choice to change your name or change anything about you so that society might accept you, is covering up to Yoshino and that’s what Antonio did.
September 30, 2015 at 3:26 am
In my opinion, I do think Yoshino would consider Antonio’s acceptance of the name “Tony” to be an act of “covering”. He had once stated in his piece, “the False self. in contrast, gives an individual a sense of being unreal, a sense of futility. It mediates the relationship between the True self and the world.” These lines revealed a more subtle approach to show his true feelings towards the matter. Given the fact that Antonio was not fond of the idea of changing his own name, he still committed the act of covering his true identity. “Not changing put him at risk of being passed over for work”, said Munoz. This type of pressure is the same reason behind why Yoshino decided bring forth the idea of forming a new Civil Rights. This would allow people of different backgrounds to not feel the need to adopt a new identity to survive. Yoshino would have automatically viewed this for what it was, “covering”.
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