CS/IT 285L

Taught by A. Potasznik

July 14, 2023
by Amanda R Potasznik


As we prepare for the end of the semester, please note the following policy from the syllabus:

Students with a course average of 85.00 or higher on Day 23 may request via email to be exempt from the final paper on that day. Exemption grants or rejections will be sent by the professor within 24 hours. Exemption requests must be sent by Wednesday, July 26. Students who have not requested exemption by that date are expected to complete the final paper.

When you email your request, please let me know if you plan to attend the optional workshop day (Thursday, July 27).

July 3, 2023
by Amanda R Potasznik

Welcome to your midterm!

Make sure all phones, laptops, and electronic devices are off and out of reach. You may keep your backpack at your desk.

Please bring your numbered handwritten notes to the instructor fanned out for easy counting. Store electronic devices including smart watches.

Once the notes are signed, take them and your exam to a seat. Please read the instructions at the top of the exam. The “section” portion should be filled out with your class meeting time (e.g., “4:00pm”).

When you are finished, KEEP YOUR NOTES, and turn in the exam. See you on Day 15!

Students who arrive on time to the midterm may use the entire class period to complete it. Students who arrive more than 20 minutes late to the exam may only take it at the professor’s discretion. Late arrivers will only have as much time for the exam as the on-time students take – when the last on-time student leaves, the exam period ends and all students must turn in their tests.

June 1, 2023
by Amanda R Potasznik

New summer office hours

For summer 2023 students:

The office hours for the course are changing from what it is stated in the syllabus. The new hours will be every class day (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) from 10:45am-11:15am. As always, please email to set up your own office hours slot. Meeting slots are available in 15 minute increments.

May 30, 2023
by Amanda R Potasznik

Welcome Summer 2023 students!

Welcome to CS/IT285L: Social Issues and Ethics in Computing. The Summer 2023 semester will soon begin. This class is conducted on campus. Please check Wiser for your course time and location.

Please familiarize yourself with this website, as along with Blackboard it will be the main online resource for you throughout the semester. It is imperative that you click through all the links you see on the right side of the page (or at the bottom of the page on mobile) so you’ll know what’s expected in this class.

I’m looking forward to having you in class!

-Dr. P.

May 2, 2023
by Amanda R Potasznik

Course Evaluations

This evaluation is designed to provide information about the quality of this course to the instructor and department. All submissions will be anonymous and these questionnaires will be treated as confidential information. The instructor will not review your responses until after the final grades for this course have been submitted to the Registrar.

11:00am section

12:30pm section

4:00pm section

5:30pm section

April 27, 2023
by Amanda R Potasznik

Final paper submission announcement

Due to issues with weekly write-ups, you are now required to submit not only your final paper essay but also the planning document you created for outlines and drafts.

Please upload two separate files via the same final paper assignment submission link: first, your essay file in .docx or .pdf format only. Then, your planning document in .pdf, .docx, .pptx, .jpg, .jpeg, or .png format. The planning document may be scanned or photographed if it is hand drawn; digital files may be uploaded directly.

The submission window will open on May 7 at 8:00am.

It will close on 11:59:00pm on Tuesday, May 16, 2022. At 11:59:01pm the submission link will disappear. Any papers not submitted by then will not be graded.

April 25, 2023
by Amanda R Potasznik

9.3.1 Mind mapping software and template

Good news: Junkyard is free to download!

Bad news: It’s only for mac :-(. Another option is mind mapping software from Google, also free and not system-specific: https://www.mindmup.com/

Lucky you! Fellow students have provided an outline you can use for the 9.3.1 methodology via Google docs. Select File > Make a Copy to create your own editable version. Thanks to Leo and Michael!

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